Packaging process has been evolving along as the technology continues to develop. The packaging sector has been revolutionized by the availability of the synthetic and the natural packaging materials, and this is the sole reason why shipping containers are currently much cheaper and cost-effective than they were before this error. Currently, there are many options in shipping sector provided by the availability plastic based shipping containers, wood-based and the paper-based shipping containers, and in the supply chain perspective, there are some advantages and disadvantages which each and these materials have. It is due to the advantages and the disadvantages which have been noted in every container that the debates on which of the material is the best is still ongoing in the packaging industry. This article, therefore, presents a comparison of the paper-based, plastic-based and the wood-based packing containers based on some of the notable advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
The Comparison between Paper Based, Plastic Based and Wood-Based Shipping Containers
Every type of the shipping containers mentioned has merits and demerits. To get the idea clear on the advantages and disadvantages of each of the containers and the mode of packaging, it is better to start with the wood-based shipping containers or the conventional type of the packaging. According to Packaging for fruits, vegetables and root crops - 4 Classification and designs for packaging" (2017) , the first merits of the wood-based shipping containers is that it can be locally manufactured and repaired. This is one of the characters which make it unique and different from others. The Packaging for fruits, vegetables and root crops – 4, Classification and designs for packaging (2017) insist that the wood-based shipping containers are still one of the best and are most prefer due to their resistance power which stems from the fact that wood is very resistant to the seawater conditions and the different weather situations . Also noted that in the supply chain, wood-based shipping containers are used on occasions where there is more than one journey particularly when the food products are to be shipped protectively and safely. In the supply chain, the wood-based containers are most preferable where there is a need for importation and exportation of fruits. In this case, they are preferred because they have unique characters which enhance maximum ventilation and the also, they have pre-cooling conditions capabilities which make the fruits stay long without any adverse effects.
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A coin has two sides; it means that like any other shipping containers, the wood-based containers also have demerits which make them less preferable by others. Pivotally, Packaging for fruits, vegetables and root crops – 4, Classification and designs for packaging, (2017) has noted that in the supply chain, in case the wood-based shipping containers are left untreated for some time, they often get infected by bacteria and fungi; this is very dangerous for the particular packages which are to be shipped. Also, to prevent further damage to the bacteria, fungi and others, the wood-based shipping containers are usually painted with chemicals; this has been noted that has potential effects on the packages. Such damages are very dangerous and are enough to make the whole supply chain has issues or stop. Another problem noted by ("Packaging for fruits, vegetables and root crops - 4. Classification and designs for packaging", 2017) is that wood-based shipping containers are not suitable for products such as the soft drinks which need soft bottles since they are usually hard. This, therefore, means that an extra cost has to be incurred for providing the soft liners in case the wood-based shipping containers is to be used to carry such kind of goods, this increases the cost of the entire supply chain and reduces the profit at the end of it. Alternatively, there are two issues which are concerns to the environment and are currently cropping up in connection to the wood-based containers. First, the disposal of the wood-based containers especially the big containers and the environment bodies are concerned about this. Alternatively, the environmental organizations are lately concerned with the deforestation which is contributed by the need to makes wood-based shipping containers, due to these pressures are mounting on this that prefer such kind of containers.
Paper-based containers due to the modern error demands are one of the best shipping containers available ( Paper-Based Packaging , 2017). The paper and paper-based shipping containers have become essential to the modern world. In respect to the supply chain and cost-effectiveness, the paper-based shipping containers have more advantages than the disadvantages. The paper-based shipping containers are versatile and suit a variety of products and are, cost-effective as compared to others such as wood-based shipping containers. Critiques are quick to point at some disadvantages of the paper-based containers, for instance, that is not suitable for certain weather conditions. However, corrugated container boards are currently used to ship and transport all sorts of the items from the perishable goods to fragile products.
A quick comparison and contrast between the wood-based and the paper-based shipping containers show that paper-based containers are more of beneficial to the modern demands. However, based on the advantages and the disadvantages of the wood-based and the paper-based containers, the idea of placing paper-based at the top may change if one looks at the benefits of the plastic based shipping containers ( Preisser et al., 2011). The plastic-based shipping containers are strong, rigid and safe for the long journey where low cost is essential. They also edge the wood-based and paper-based containers based since they met the differing demands of the populace. This is because they vary in sizes to suit the purpose and the need for the customers in the supply chain. The plastic containers are resistance to weather changes, and due to these traits, they can be used even in the wet condition where both paper and wood-based shipping containers wood are rendered inefficient.
However, the plastic-based shipping containers even if ranked above both paper-based and wood-based shipping containers have some demerits. The hard surface of the plastic based containers, just like the wood-based containers, are not suitable for other products, for instance, soft products ( Berger et al., 2012). In this case, an extra cost needed to be added in case this kind of packaging is chosen for such goods to ensure that linings are put to protect the assets. This brings about additional cost for on the supply chain. Alternatively, they are always costly, and the issues of pilferage make them even inefficient at a time.
In conclusion, the packaging industry is currently offering options in shipping with the availability of the paper-based, wood-based and the plastic based containers which have made it easy for shipping in supply chain, however, all these types of the packaging have advantages and disadvantages as discussed in the paper. It is due to these merits and demerits that the debate is still ongoing on which of the packaging mode and materials to prefer.
Berger, T. R., Denny, J. E., Robins, D. S., Koop, L. P., Payne, E. A., & Twitchell Jr, R. W. (2012). U.S. Patent No. 8,279,067 . Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Packaging for fruits, vegetables and root crops - 4. Classification and designs for packaging . (2017). . Retrieved 27 September 2017, from
Paper-Based Packaging . (2017). . Retrieved 27 September 2017, from
Preisser, A. M., Budnik, L. T., Hampel, E., & Baur, X. (2011). Surprises perilous: Toxic health hazards for employees unloading fumigated shipping containers. The science of the Total Environment , 409 (17), 3106-3113.