11 Dec 2022


Comparing Community Nursing and Clinical Nursing Practices

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 361

Pages: 1

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How Does Community/Public Health Nursing Compare To The Work You Do In Your Clinical Practice? 

Nursing practice is one of the most important professions in the healthcare sector. The practice is rather comprehensive because nurses are present in different healthcare sectors. The nursing practice can be defined as a caring-based practice in which procedures of prognosis and treatment are implemented to the human experience of illness and health. Some nursing practices include a community or public health nursing practices and clinical nursing practices. Community nurses are those who offer care in different settings, including faith-based settings, community health clinics, schools, and homeless shelters (World Health Organization, 2017). Community nursing practices focus on meeting the public healthcare needs of the specific demographics or area. On the other hand, clinical nursing practices refer to nursing practices performed within the clinical environment or hospitals. Clinical nursing practices focus on integrating advanced knowledge of disease processes in the prognosis and treatment of diseases. Public health nursing practices and clinical practices in nursing have been critical in advancing the quality of care to patients; however, the two practices approach healthcare differently. 

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The work I do in my clinical practice differs from community health nursing. My clinical nursing practice focuses on offering specialized healthcare services. As a clinical nurse, I focus on offering health assessments, order prognosis, and lab tests, and, in certain instances, prescribe medications and offer non-pharmacology and pharmacology treatments (MSNedu, 2020). This differs from community healthcare nursing practice, which typically focuses on advancing the health and general well-being of the particular communities by offering education on diseases, nutrition, safe health practices, and disease prevention (Every Nurse, 2020). In most instances, community health nursing practices provide treatment to the uninsured, poor, and culturally diverse population. I was able to learn that my role in clinical practice differs significantly from the role of other nurses in community nursing practices because of focus on providing education on fundamentals of care, i.e., nutrition and wellness, diseases, and their prevention and safe care practices. On the other hand, my role in clinical practices has allowed me to offer specialized care to patients by integrating expert knowledge for disease procedures in appraising, diagnosing, and treating diseases in patients. Nonetheless, I learned that community nursing practices and clinical practices are critical for improving the health outcomes of patients. 


Every Nurse. (2020). How to Become a Community Health Nurse . https://everynurse.org/careers/community-health-nurse/# 

MSNedu. (2020). What is a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)? https://www.msnedu.org/clinical-nurse-specialist/ 

World Health Organization. (2017). Enhancing The Role Of Community Health Nursing For Universal Health Coverage . Human Resources for Health Observer Series No. 18 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Comparing Community Nursing and Clinical Nursing Practices.


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