2 Nov 2022


Corporate Social Responsibility: What It Is and What It Isn't

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Academic level: College

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Words: 571

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The use of Corporate Social Responsibility is a management tool that helps most business companies to integrate their operations by considering the social and environmental demands for the society. It also considers all the possible interactions found within the stakeholders and investors model for better business operations. The process therefore helps in the public relations procedures where the customers, suppliers and the general local community understand the positive impacts created (Urakami, 2012). The use of CSR helps improve a brands performance and overall public reputations since it enhances the physical capacities towards internal and external growth. 

In the Apple Company it fully commits its activities of social responsibility across the global borders to ensure that a sustainability factor is fully utilized in the business model. In the supply chain process, it relays certain safe working conditions which are exercised when the workers are treated with utmost dignity and respect (Kim and Reber, 2009). They also ensure that the environment is utilized responsibly to enhance the whole manufacturing process of Apple products. In the company business most Apple partners usually transform the compostable materials that result from the production process into rich organic materials that are applied in the farm. 

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The technique thus ensures that the safety and wellness of the environment is maintained at all costs by ensuring that any output that exists does not affect the environmental stability for the local community. In the process of educating and empowering the workers, Apple Company offers training courses to the people through the multinational technology practices (Urakami, 2012). It therefore grants the public society an opportunity towards growing and acquiring the relevant skills for effective production methods within the company hence an evolution toward the public relation function. 

The Apple Inc.’s high performance level is associated to a major effectiveness when addressing most external factors that surround the company’s remote and other macro-environmental demands. The company’s success is therefore linked to aspects on social responsibility through strategic management to ensure that the exploitation of opportunities is highly maximized. Also, it seeks to protect the interests of the business from outside threats and ensure that the safety and security of the workers and other consumer electronics are safeguarded through the information technology system ( Page & Parnell , 2018). The inclusion of a socio-cultural perspective within the business makes it easy for the internal cultural approaches to match with the current trends in the global market. Improving the social policies and operational practices ensures that the internal and external strategies are fully utilized from the aspect of corporate social responsibility. 

In the Apple Company there are three elements that help the CSR to intersect with most public relations established in the society. They entail economic responsibility, legal responsibility, ethical responsibility and philanthropic responsibility. They ensure that a sustainable feature is fully utilized in the society through the massive production of Apple products ( Page & Parnell , 2018). The interactions with the surrounding community are boosted through welfare contributions and considerations of rights and responsibilities for the needed growth and development. 

The inclusion of CSR helps the Apple Company to attain a popular factor within the social society since when a desirable operational framework is enhanced most practices. Therefore, it impacts the company positively by ensuring that a level of balance exists between the company and the surrounding community (Urakami, 2012). Even as the company produces the Apple products it ensures that the interests of the people are fully considered in every sustainability factor on public relations. 


International Organization for Standardization. (2020) ISO 26000 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. https://www.iso.org/iso-26000-social-responsibility.html 

Kim, S. Y., & Reber, B. H. (2009). How public relations professionalism influences corporate social responsibility: A survey of practitioners.  Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 86 (1), 157-174. 

Page, J. T., & Parnell, L. J. (2017).  Introduction to strategic public relations: Digital, global, and socially responsible communication . SAGE Publications. 

Urakami, K. (2012). Outsourcing and corporate social responsibility: Apple in China. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Corporate Social Responsibility: What It Is and What It Isn't.


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