30 Dec 2022


Creating a New Performance Appraisal System

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 282

Pages: 1

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Changing the traditional performance appraisal system to more of a qualitative approach can help identify whether or not the employees are sustaining and maintaining the required competencies (Aktepe and Ersoz, 2012). The current qualitative approach will focus on certain criteria including job knowledge, quality and quantity of work, communication and interpersonal skills.

The above criteria can assist the organization management to identify whether the employees are meeting departmental expectations, goal, core values, and furthermore attaining overall departmental productivity. In addition, it inputs more of a personal perspective when applying this type of evaluation.

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This new rating system will allow management to set better goals that are realistic and attainable and truly appraise their employees according to their competence and performance. Furthermore it will help the company management sees their employees as humans and not just numbers. It allows a better form of explanation and identifies strengths and weakness of employee performance. The new rating system will also offer employees and supervisors an opportunity to discuss the supervisor’s goals for the lager department and employee’s goals for themselves and how employees and supervisor can relate and work together by developing skills and strengths necessary to attain these goals.

The intent of the new appraisal is to be able to conduct a mass appraisal for various types of employees. A traditional rating scale can limit data and performance (Meinert, 2015). This new type of appraisal can look into many factors such as improvements, goals and open feedback. Explanation: After reading up on couple of articles about the different type of evaluations and performance appraisals I formed my opinion about the best qualitative approach for a department.


Aktepe A. & Ersoz S. (2012). A Quantitative Performance Evaluation Model Based on a Job Satisfaction-Performance Matrix and Application in a Manufacturing Company: Retrieved From https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/fe26/86d438c58600634b70b65b318a51932b8c51.pdf 

Meinert, D. (2015). Is It Time to Put the Performance Review on a PIP?. Retrieved 19 July 2019, from https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/Pages/0415-qualitative-performance-reviews.aspx

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Creating a New Performance Appraisal System.


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