10 May 2022


Criminal Behavior Among Teens in the Neighborhood

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Academic level: College

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Words: 316

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Teenagers are easily affected by criminal behaviour in the neighbourhood. This age group of young men and women succumb to peer pressure more easily than others. Groups or cliques of friends quickly escalate into formal or informal gangs which create a social problem of instability within the family. The individual is affected on a micro level as they become divided along ethical lines. The family members and friends of the teen involved in crime become victims of the criminal activity. This creates enemity and they may turn against their own.

Societal practices affect this population because they relegate the parenting and discipline roles to the teachers and police. It is not until the teen falls into crime that the effects of indiscipline begin to be felt. Local schools can help guide teens to the right path by providing them with worthwhile recreational and income generating activities. They can also highlight the effects of crime and the short and long term consequences of legal violations. (Damm & Dustmann, 2014).

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Local businesses can help the teens to keep busy by creating enterprenual opportunities for them. Thus will keep them focused on developing themselves and reduce the chances of time spent on deviant behaviour. Furthermore, the local churches or clergy of various can contribute by mentoring their children and adolescents as they transition into teenage hood. Places of faith may also encourage youth friendly activities like concerts and other social gatherings that help bring people together. (Fagan et al, 2015)

The final role in shaping the youth lies with the local police. They can assist the youth to reform negative behaviour by telling stories of youth who have been involved in crime. This can be be done through community outreach programs and coordinated training sessions. Finally the society can mould teens by creating support and guidance to those who genuinely want to change their ways. 


Damm, A. P., " Dustmann, C. (2014). Does growing up in a high crime neighborhood affect youth criminal behavior?.  American Economic Review ,   104 (6), 1806-32.

Fagan, A. A., Wright, E. M., " Pinchevsky, G. M. (2015). Exposure to violence, substance use, and neighborhood context.  Social science research ,   49 , 314-326.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Criminal Behavior Among Teens in the Neighborhood.


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