8 Jun 2022


Criminological theory: How people are forced or persuaded into working

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The main goal of criminological theory is to help individuals understand the aspect and criminal justice. The are many theories that have been developed by scholars to explain n how the breakthrough into law, deviant criminal behavior, and other illegal activities many criminal methods are either micro or macro depending on what kind of aspect they deal with. Thus, in criminology, three main theories have been explained since the mid-twentieth century on how criminal law is dealt with and how these they affect in one way or the other ways through which people apply them in the society. The major theories of criminal laws include the positivist theory, the classical, and the Chicago theory. Thus, when studying the practice of crime, various aspects are used in its classification, which means that the specific methods are used for its analysis. Therefore, it can be derived that the study of criminality can be delved into causes and the factors that make in one way or the other contribute to crime. Thus, four fundamental theories can be used to explain how this criminality takes place. The four primary methods include rational choice, sociological positivism, biological positivism, and psychological positivism. All four fundamental theories explain how and why crime does take place. 

One of the scholars who went ahead to argue how criminological theory works is Marxist, through his theory referred to as the Marxist theory. Marxists argue that one of the factors that cause crime is economic systems, which include capitalism. The whole system of capitalism is based on the exploitation of the working class, whereby the ruling elites can take over the resources of those who they are ruling. Therefore, this means that there is one class that is getting extremely rich while the other continues to thrive in poverty, thus leading life that is full of misery. The theory shows how there is a lack of balance in terms of resource distribution between two classes in society. One type is getting extremely rich while the other one on the other end is getting extremely poor. Marxist, thus, argues that those who are poor and cannot afford the necessities life might decide to turn into crime, which in many cases, destroys their lives. However, most of these people who are shoddy work for the abundant wealth class, but the wealthy class overwork them and underpays them, which makes their legally acquired resources too insufficient even to support their basic needs. The working class, in most instances, does not have the urge and the ability to express their frustration into their wealth and wealthy bosses through legal means. Since the methods that the wealthy bosses use to exploit the working class are unfair even through the rule of law, most of these injustices are not followed to offer appropriate solutions to the poor people who are being misused by their bosses. 

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As one of the ways to express the means of expressing their frustrations, the poor working class at times attack their bosses. The kind of attacks that they launch through violence or criminal damage leads to loss of lives of those who attack and those who are attacked. Apart from the criminal offenses that are carried out by the working class, the core values of capitalism are based on criminality. Capitalism is one of the policies that are based on criminal values as the main aim of capitalism is to exploit and get as much property as possible. The process of getting rich does not necessarily follow the right procedure, and neither thus, takes into consideration how the process of acquiring property will harm others. Capitalism is considered to be one of the methods that exploitation of other people by some few members of the society who tend to have the opportunity to access the resource other people struggle to make ends meet. The crime of the rich that is referred to as fraud has become an order of the day in capitalist valued countries. The less fortunate who have developed the mechanism and perspective that capitalism is the right way to behave, which has become the motivation that these individuals use to exploit the less fortunate in society. The process of getting rich by acquiring lots of money and wealth in capitalism states has become one of the reasons we are experiencing an increase in the rate of crime and other harmful vices currently taking place. 

The approach that Marxist use to explain the nature of criminality that is experienced in capitalism brings on board the idea of who are the real criminals. Do the employees that are paying poverty wages supposed to be classified as criminals or the worker who are paid low fees and move on to commit crime are the ones who are supposed to be referred to as criminals? Marxist theory on criminality is one of the methods that are described to be transgressive criminology since the driver this theory does not only look at why crime is being committed. But also check on the legal perceptions or factors that have led to those involved in doing evil to commit the crime. The first perception that these people who commit crime have is that the law exists for the rich people who create it to benefit themselves as it is the law that they use in exploiting then and also in intimidating them when they are asking for their rights. The rules that are made by the rich even by coincide tend to favor their criminal activities and prevent them from being prosecuted. Thus, we can conclude that some sections of the laws in the society can be a legal while, in a real sense, they are illegal as some organizations might perceive them. However, in a piece of practical knowledge, these laws are criminal and have serious harm to some of the members in the society. 

From his theory of criminality, Marxist employs the idea that laws that are made for the rich tend to be there for the show-off, while those that are meant to protect them are enforced to the letter. Thus, this brings on board the nature of crimes that are not punishable or in other ways, are not perceived as a crime. These crimes include white-collar crimes, corporate crimes, and majorly the state crimes, which in many instances are not punishable and even go without being noticed. Marxists argue that corporate crime, white-collar crime, and state crimes are less punished more than the petty crimes which are notified more than any other form of corruption, which is being committed more so by the rich or wealth working class. Other crimes that are more noticeable are the anti-social behavior, which in many cases is closely monitored by some of the state operatives systems which are responsible for keeping law and order. Therefore, we can be able to see that there are many theories in criminology which tend to explain the various perceptions that different scholars have towards the different types of crimes that are committed in society. 

We can see clearly that some of the crimes in society tend to be favored by some of the legal rules and regulations. The first perception that these people who commit crime have is that the law exists for the rich people who create it to benefit themselves as it is the law that they use in exploiting then and also in intimidating them when they are asking for their rights. The rules that are made by the rich even by coincide tend to favor their criminal activities and prevent them from being prosecuted. Thus, we can conclude that some sections of the laws in the society can be legal, while in a real sense, they are illegal as some organizations might perceive them. However, in the real sense, these laws are criminal and have serious harm to some of the members in the society. Since the methods that the wealthy bosses use to exploit the working class are unfair even through the rule of law, most of these injustices are not followed to offer appropriate solutions to the poor people who are being misused by their bosses. 

The approach that Marxist use to explain the nature of criminality that is experienced in capitalism brings on board the idea of who are the real criminals. Do the employees that are paying poverty wages supposed to be classified as criminals or the worker who are paid low fees and move on to commit crime are the ones who are supposed to be referred to as criminals? Marxist theory on criminality is one of the methods that are described to transgress criminology since the driver this theory does not only look at why crime is being committed but also check on the legal perceptions or factors that have led to those involved in doing evil to commit the crime. 

Capitalism is considered to be one of the processes that exploitation of other people by some members of the society tend to have the opportunity to access the resource other people struggle to make ends meet. The crime of the rich that is referred to as fraud has become an order of the day in capitalist valued countries. The less fortunate who have developed the mechanism and perspective that capitalism is the right way to behave, which has become the motivation that these individuals use to exploit the less fortunate in society. The process of getting rich by acquiring lots of money and wealth in capitalism states has become one of the reasons we are experiencing an increase in the rate of crime and other harmful vices currently taking place. Capitalism is one of the policies that are based on criminal values as the main aim of capitalism is to exploit and get as much property as possible. The process of getting rich does not necessarily follow the right procedure and neither thus it takes into consideration how the process of acquiring property will harm others 


Einstadter, W. J., & Henry, S. (2006).  Criminological theory: An analysis of its underlying assumptions . Rowman & Littlefield. 

Lilly, J. R., Cullen, F. T., & Ball, R. A. (2018).  Criminological theory: Context and consequences . Sage publications. 

Cressey, D. R. (1989). The poverty of theory in corporate crime research.  Advances in criminological theory 1 , 31-55. 

Cressey, D. R. (1989). The poverty of theory in corporate crime research.  Advances in criminological theory 1 , 31-55. 

Hall, S., & Winlow, S. (2007). Cultural criminology and primitive accumulation: A formal introduction for two strangers who should really become more intimate.  Crime, Media, Culture 3 (1), 82-90. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Criminological theory: How people are forced or persuaded into working.


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