20 Dec 2022


Cultural Competency: What It Is and How to Improve It

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 323

Pages: 1

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Nurses from all parts of the world interact with individuals from different cultures and faith practices on a daily basis. Some of the strengths while dealing with people who share different worldviews include seeking common ground before commencing any treatment for the patient, actively listening to their needs, and validating before drawing conclusions (Sweat, 2014). Weaknesses include unintentionally imposing some personal beliefs on a patient during dialogue and the fear of sharing some of my worldviews with a patient who does not share similar beliefs. As a patient, I would prefer to retain the final say when making decisions involving my health during difficult situations.

Response to Angela Bocanegra: 

Medical practitioners are expected to administer healthcare free from bias. Retaining a neutral perspective while addressing patients with different worldviews is advised to ensure nurses uphold the goals of patient advocacy. Living with the awareness that differences exist between people from different cultures eases the task of healthcare provision. (ASU, 2017). Reading books about different cultures and engaging in dialogue with people from other cultures can help on working the weaknesses highlighted on the post.

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Response to Belinda Zinhu: 

As indicated, worldview does not only entail religion and spirituality but also culture, race, gender, and ethnicity among others. The afore-listed factors affect interactions with healthcare providers. Therefore, nurses should condition themselves to shift their personal perspectives to accommodate those of the patients they attend to (ASU, 2017). Family is important when one has to make decisions during difficult situations. However, based on the principle of autonomy, the patient should always have the final say, if they are in a position to do so.

Response to Elkana Nyambura: 

Everyday routines provide nurses with the opportunity to engage with people from different cultures and religions actively. Therefore, all interactions demand a knowledgeable and open response from nurses to uphold impartiality when engaging with people with different worldviews (Sweat, 2014). They should always uphold three principles namely awareness, acceptance, and asking. Working with stubborn patients can be unnerving; therefore, working on controlling temper can help in creating a more conducive environment for both parties.


American Sentinel University. (2017, March 8). Cultural Competency: Differing World Views . https://www.americansentinel.edu/blog/2017/03/08/cultural-competency-differing-world-views/

Sweat, M. (2014). Can I Give Meaningful Spiritual Care to Those With a Different Worldview? Journal of Christian Nursing , 30(2), 118. https://doi.org/ 10.1097/CNJ.0b013e318285c964

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Cultural Competency: What It Is and How to Improve It.


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