7 Dec 2022


Culturally Competent Leadership

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 327

Pages: 1

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As an administrator, I need to recognize that achieving cultural competence necessitates individual commitment and staff participation. Cultural competence is a continuous change to effectively sustain healthcare services to meet the social, linguistic, and cultural needs of the patients and clients ( Handtke et al., 2019) . Therefore, I must change my cultural attitude, behavior, and values to achieve cultural competence in the following ways; 

Become aware of others' view of the world. 

Develop a positive attitude towards cultural diversity as it underwrites to the richness of our humanity. 

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Gain knowledge to become sentient of the diverse cultural practices to create fairness in the organization and the people we serve. 

Cultivate communication skills and cultures interaction through additional training ( Rose, 2013). 

Develop the ability to understand and honor different culture by respecting others for who they are and their customs and values that are different from my own. 

Value diversity and culture by promoting a greater understanding of our cultural competence ( Handtke et al., 2019)

Developed social responsibility and reverence for the environment. 

Every member of the society should get an equal provision of healthcare services regardless of their cultural background. As the public health director, the organization and I are primed to serve and commendably react to cultural practices and nuances of patients and other clients in the following ways; 

The organization's staff undergo continuous training to provide treatment approaches that replicate the unique cultural values and treatment prerequisites of the patients. 

The staff and I have undertaken additional training continuously to contemplate on other people’s different customs and values ( Rose, 2013)

The organization's staff is appreciative of the cultural gradations of the patient population. 

The organization has a diverse staff who have comparable backgrounds to those of the patient population ( Handtke et al., 2019) . In this case, the linguistic barrier is broken. 

As the organization's director, we are prepared to serve a diverse client culture by including the patient populace in program decision and policy making. 

Lastly, we are encouraging the team members to embrace an inquisitive and unprejudiced attitude towards other cultures. 


Handtke, O., Schilgen, B., & Mösko, M. (2019). Culturally competent healthcare–A scoping review of strategies implemented in healthcare organizations and a model of culturally competent healthcare provision.  PloS one 14 (7), e0219971. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0219971 

Rose, P. R. (2013).  Cultural competency for the health professional . Jones & Bartlett Publishers. https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=D5NsoQzJ3UoC&oi=fnd&pg=PR1&dq=Cultural+Competency+for+the+Health+Professional&ots=wOaNNAWiXD&sig=e5Upb09L-rv_uC_XRS-nry1ZioU&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Cultural%20Competency%20for%20the%20Health%20Professional&f=false 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Culturally Competent Leadership.


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