8 Jun 2022


Cybercrime, Cyberattacks, and problems of Implementing Organizational Cybersecurity

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Academic level: College

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Words: 631

Pages: 2

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The new internet age characterized by high dependence on borderless and decentralized information technologies poses a cybercrime risk to the public. The internet is no longer a safe space and encryption is no longer foolproof. This chapter is an in-depth study of the state of cybersecurity, prevailing threats, and the growing popularity of bring your own device (BYOD) culture. 


The nature of cybercrime has evolved from phishing to more sophisticated methods now perpetuated by professional hackers. The availability of smart devices and the growth of social media sites and the BYOD culture have only broadened the nature of vulnerabilities. There is an obvious need to put in place protective measures against these attacks but without infringing on people’s privacy, freedoms, and consumer and commercial rights. Difficulties in obtaining criminal evidence further highlight the complexity of cybercrime. The lack of boundaries within the digital environment adds to the complexity of prosecuting cybercrimes successfully. Professional hackers are continuously devising new and sophisticated methods that go undetected for prolonged periods of time. Threats now extend beyond the financial data and into confidential data including intelligence reports. 

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Entry-Level Risks and Vulnerabilities 

Mobile Device Vulnerabilities 

Increasingly, portable devices have become a target for theft, given their increased capabilities to hold large amounts of data. Mobile devices are also at the center of BYOD practice. Mobile application reliance on the browser function presents a unique challenge. 

Industrial Control Computers and Indirect Data Connections 

Shodan, a search engine program developed in 2009, was devised for the purposes of mapping out connected devices linked through the internet and intranet. However, through this program, it was realized that moderately talented hackers could access these industrial computers. 

Insider Threat 

Data leak websites such as the infamous wiki leaks depend on the information provided by people working in government agencies to supply them with confidential information. Companies have had their databases infiltrated with the help of people working in the same organization. 

Basic Stratagem: Electronic Online Approach to a Potential Victim 

The E-mail Phishing Scam 

Phishing deceives customers into divulging their private data by sending emails that appear as having come from legitimate sources such as banks. Hyperlinks attached to the emails spoof the user into keying in their login information. 

Theft of Digital Certificates 

Digital certificates perform the vital role of verifying that a website is genuine. Encryption then follows after verification. Stealing digital certificates allows hackers to spy on otherwise secure connections. 

Hacking and Hackers 

Hackers are tech-savvy people that identify a weakness within a computer system and exploit it to gain unlawful access to information. Hacking knowledge and techniques is the base upon which all forms of cybercrimes occur. 

Hacker Methods 

Hackers intercept, degrade, deny access, and destroy data by use of malware such as Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, and sniffers. Hackers also gain access to computer systems by identifying software vulnerabilities to break into the system. 

Cyberattacks and DDoS Attacks 

Cyberattack refers to a hostile attack on a computer system through the network with the aim of disrupting, denying access, or destroying a rival’s cybersystem. Buffer flows are the most common form of attack. 

Hacking Data Breaches 

In 2011 alone, 855 data breaches were reported. According to a 2012 report by Verizon, 96% of organizations affected by data breach only learned about the breach through external parties such as ISPs. Identifying breaches can take months. 

Preventing and Combating Cybercrime 

Insider prevention – Awareness is the best tool against cybercrime. Awareness helps to avoid falling into traps set by cybercriminals. This includes not clicking on any suspicious emails and only dealing with trusted sources. 

Combating Cyberattacks 

Cybersecurity is any measure put in place to protect a computer system from external attacks. This can be achieved through regularly installing patches, installing application whistling, and regulating the number of people with administrative login credentials. 

Difficulties of stopping Hacker Cyberattacks 

Specialized on-premises equipment is costly and has no value until a network is attacked. 

Specialized on-premises equipment requires constant updating to install the most updated analysis and detection programs. 

Detection devices are incapable of handling a huge volume of attacks. Where the volume of attacks exceeds the organization’s existing bandwidth, then the appliances offer no help. 


A cybersecurity system is as good as its weakest link. More cybersecurity measures must be implemented and continuously reviewed to keep up with the ever-evolving threat. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Cybercrime, Cyberattacks, and problems of Implementing Organizational Cybersecurity.


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