22 Aug 2022


Delmas' Political Resistance: A Matter of Fairness

Format: MLA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 295

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Delmas argues that the principle of fairness demands a duty to fair play and a duty to resistance to unfair and unjust social schemes. 

The author starts by claiming that the negative argument proposition shows that fairness prohibits benefitting from unfair and unjust schemes of coordination. In a just scheme, people should benefit in accordance with their contribution. However, in certain cases, people gain more under free riding. Similarly, fairness demands that people should not benefit from unjust schemes, at least if they do not agree with them or support the positions they present. 

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Secondly, the author claims that radical reform argument establishes that radical reform is the principal way of discharging ones fairness-based obligation not to benefit with the unfairness and unjust scheme coordination. The article cites how some white people who disagreed with the Jim Crow south had to emigrate. However, such a decision came with the added cost of the emigration. The solution, according to the article is reform instead of running away from unjust schemes. 

Third, the article claims that under resistance argument, the solution to unfairness is political resistance. Instead of seeking to benefit from unjust schemes, people should take political action and resist exploitative practices that hurt the chances of other people. Those who benefit from those schemes are duty bound to resist exploitative structures in the in interest fairness. 

The author considers the argument that fleeing from unjust scheme is a better alternative to achieving radical reform. However, he shows that actions such as emigration are costly and do not guarantee that the person will escape from benefiting from unjust schemes. 

The article concludes by stating that a combination of fair play and duty to resistance is the only way to fight unjust and unfair social schemes. Those who benefit unfairly from unfair schemes should seek to entangle themselves from them by engaging in fair deals and demanding reform. 


Delmas, Candice. POLITICAL RESISTANCE: A MATTER OF FAIRNESS. Law and Philosophy 2013. DOI 10.1007/s10982-013-9189-y 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Delmas' Political Resistance: A Matter of Fairness.


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