25 Dec 2022


DRNC Story: The History of the DRNC

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1159

Pages: 4

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As Dr Robert Tessman, the main advice to Major Warren is to focus more on the issue of security during the convention. Also, the Black Bloc group lack a leader to tell them on the way forwards and they claim their demonstrations are peaceful and directed straight to the authorities. The absence of a leader makes the situation harder to handle than the SRT calls they used to handle in the past. The variation between dealing with the Black Bloc and the SRT calls is because in Black Bloc there is no leader. Thus, it will be very hard for Dr Tessman to analyze the thinking of each group member and know their next course of action. Each of the members of the Black Bloc will be acting independently in the protest and that is an advantage to Major Warren. He can easily use the divide and rule policy as all the members of the group are functioning as an independent entity. Therefore, I will advise Major Warren not to ignore the group, and they have unclear motives. Instead, they should be ready for anything by enhancing their security measure during the trade conventions. Also, they should have officers at all points that will monitor any unusual behavior during the way. With the strategy, they will be able to detect any danger from the group before the damages take place. 

Also, I will advise Major Warren not to take any action against the Black Bloc at the moment unless there is a threat to the disruption of activities during the trade convention. The Black Bloc might have come to the convention with clear and peaceful motives as they suggest. If the security officers at the trade convention provoke them, they will equally take action. Major Warren needs to weigh several options before taking action and only take action when there is a need to do so. Thus, if major Warren decides to have a meeting with the Black Bloc group, they will raise their concerns that they feel should be addressed before the trade convention day. If they request are not meet, then they will have the right to carry out the protest at the day of the convention. Talking with them will give them more reasons to cause violence in the summit. They are more likely to claim they had an agreement with the Major, and the request has not been in accomplishment. Thus, they will feel like they have a legal right to raise a protest at the convention. Major Warren should avoid having the conversation with them even if the Black Bloc members decide to have a talk and solve the issue before the trade convention day. The end goal for Major Warren to consider all the available options is to avoid chaos from the Black Bloc group during the trade convention. There is need to have a strategic plan that will address the concerns of both teams in a negotiation set up. The negotiators need to consider what the protestors want and if their request is the only possible solution to solving the issue (Christopher, 2018). But laying low does not mean not being concerned. They will need to have a contingency plan in case the protestants decide to cause chaos. 

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Secondary source will be very useful in supporting the argument presented in the analysis of the case study. One will be on the subject of security leadership. The reference will be crucial as it will give information on the best action to take as a security officer leader when in a dilemma. In the case study, major Warren is a security offices leader and needs assistance from Dr Robert Tessman when dealing with the Black Bloc during a trade convention. The source on leadership will provide a clear elaboration on how to handle a protest. Through the formalization of the one-shot bargaining model, it is easy to manage a protest as a leader (Inata, 2019). There are acts of negotiation that a security personnel leader needs to focus on while dealing with the protestants. Also, there are models and strategies that Major Warren can use to ensure violence does not erupt during a protest. Thus, the article will provide information of matter to do with leadership models and structures and the level of effectiveness in solving demonstrations. Security personnel’s can easily manage protest through the equal distribution of resources. The distribution implies having enough security officers at the trade convention to ensure everything is on order and moving according to plan. It is through such strategies that Major Warren can gauge his level of competent leadership in handling the protest. 

Another source will be on criminal justice legal issues. The main reason for using the reference is to increase the understanding the strategies that Major Warren can consider while dealing with the Black Bloc protestors. Dr Robert Tessman needs to consider the legality of each of the possible actions that Major Warren can use before providing him with the report on the way forward. While dealing with the Black Bloc, Major Warren needs to weight all the options offered by Tessman and select one which will not be a violation of the rights of the members of the Black Bloc. The human rights of the protestors can be an argument that most of the protestors may raise in case they are arrested during the protest (Viswanatha and Gurman, 2019). So a consideration of the human rights will indicate which of the actions taken by Major Warren will be lawful and which ones will be considered unlawful in the court of justice. Chaos might arise during the convention, and maybe some of the Black Bloc protestors will undergo an arrest. Such can lead to court cases on unlawful acts by the security personnel. Thus, the source will provide a basis of legality in each of the actions taken. 

The last source that will be used in the literature review is on the topic of psychology. A source in psychology will create a better understanding and elaborate on the reason why groups of people behave the way they do. The group of people may not be thinking and behaving similarly, but a source in psychology will create a behavioral profile for the group as a whole. The reference will focus mainly on some of the characteristics of groups that make them behave differently and how best to decode the situation. Dr Robert Tessman needs to have a behavioral profile of the Black Bloc group within the one week before presenting a report to Major Warren on strategies and solutions that will assist in dealing with the situation. Traditionally groups tend to be intact and stable (Fiske, Gilbert and Lindzey, 2015). But there has been a transition to individuality. That is the reason why it was easy for Dr Robert Tessman to decode the thinking of the subject in SRT calls and finds it hard to do the same for the Black Bloc protestors. Also, there is the aspect of collectivism and individuality in psychology from the source that will be of great assistance. The information on individuality and collectivism will provide an elaboration of the variation between the thinking of individuals and members of an organization. 


Christopher, P. (2018). Handbook of Psychopathy (2 nd Ed.) ., New York: Guilford Press. Print. 

Fiske, S., Gilbert, D., & Lindzey, G. (Eds.). (2015). Hand Book on Social Psychology (6 TH Ed.). New York: Wiley. 

Inata, K. (2019). Protest, Counter-protest and Organizational Diversification of Protest Groups. Journal of Conflict Management and Peace Science, 1 (1), 1-23. 

Viswanatha, A., & Gurman, S. (2019). Barr Tells Prosecutors to Consider Charging Violent Protestors with Sedition. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from https://www,google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/barr-tells-procecutors-to- consider-charging-violent-portestors-with-sedition-11600276683. Accessed 28 September 2020. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). DRNC Story: The History of the DRNC.


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