15 Dec 2022


Energy and Circular Motion

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 477

Pages: 3

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q) The impulse-momentum theory states that the impulse is directly proportional to the force applied and the time taken to apply that force. Riffles with longer barrels allow for longer force application times and hence higher forces which in turn implies higher velocities. 

b) The work-energy theorem states that work is a product of force and distance. A longer barrel implies more distance which also implies that more work is done on a bullet coming from a rifle with a longer barrel. 

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The crumple zone is meant to redistribute the force of impact on a vehicle whenever it crashes or hits an object and hence protect the ones in the vehicle. Its functioning is based on the first law of Newton which states that a body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion unless compelled by an external force to act otherwise. 

The law of momentum conservation states that the momentum of a system before and after collision remains the same. Since a gun is usually at 0 velocity before being fired, it gains some velocity due to the momentum caused by the bullet. The velocity is in the direction opposite to the direction of the bullet and hence the recoil. 




The total momentum before and after collision remains constant considered the friction on the ice is negligible. . V, which is the speed of Ben and Junior after the ollision, is 2.5 m/s. 

The speeds of the marbles in increasing order is as follows: B, A, C, D. This is because , the steeper the ramp, the greater the acceleration force that acts on the marble and hence the greater the speed. 

a) work done =

b) Distance =

c) Levers provide a mechanical advantage that helps one to use a small force to lift larger forces. The lever does this by increasing the distance through which the force acts. 



b) Word done =

c) Power =

Using the inverse square law:

a) This is because a satellite is basically a projectile which is being acted upon by gravitational force as it heads towards its orbit. In the absence of this force, the satellite would move in a straight line that is tangential to earth. The gravitational force accelerates the satellite towards earth and hence helps to maintain it in its orbit. 

b) Sufficient speed is necessary to provide enough centrifugal force that will help maintain the satellite in its orbit. If the speed is too small, the satellite would fall back to earth after the vertical motion. 

c) The satellite may escape the earth’s atmosphere and hence stop being influenced by earth’s gravitational pull. It may get into space. 

They will all take the same amount of time to hit the ground as acceleration due to gravity is constant both in New York and on top of Mt. Everest. 

Because there is zero gravitational force in space. 

Because passengers on a plane still experience the force of gravity unlike astronauts on the space station who experience zero gravitational force. 

The dart will hit the monkey. This is because the constant gravitational force acts on both the monkey and the dart hence they will drop down to the same level at the same rate. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Energy and Circular Motion .


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