4 Sep 2022


Ethnic Diversity: What You Need to Know

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 532

Pages: 2

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The orientation session during my first year on campus included a day of ethnic diversity talk. The event on organized on the last day of the orientation program and sought to orient the new students with the cultural diversity awaiting them on campus. It also sought to enhance cultural tolerance among students. The event began at 8 am. The first session involved identification of the ethnic backgrounds represented on campus. Each student was required to gather information about other students that are not from their cultural backgrounds. The students were then required to compare the information gathers about other ethnic groups and with their ethnic groups and outline points of convergence and divergence. This session lasted for three hours. The last two were dedicated to a public address in which the speaker explained the importance of ethnic diversity and how we should embrace the diversity and tolerate people from other ethnic groups. 

The event offered great lessons to me because I learned how different cultures from various ethnic groups view things and their positions relative to mine. Having spent my life among members of my ethnic group, I had come to realize and appreciate how members of my ethnic group conduct themselves. Therefore, I was convinced that out ethnic point of view in many things was the correct and a rational point of view. However, this event made me realize that other ethnic groups also have reasons that support their perspective on many social matters. Therefore, I learned to appreciate the position of other ethnic groups. Looking back, I realize that this has helped me to coexist cordially with other students within the campus that are not from my ethnic group. 

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Secondly, the diversity event opened a door for me to start an interaction and communication with people from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Through the interactions of the day, I was able to make friends with many people from different ethnic groups. The friendships have blossomed over the years to be great friendships. Most of my best friends on campus are not members of my ethnic group. I can attribute the majority of my cross-ethnic friendships to the interactions I encountered during this event. Therefore, this event opened up an opportunity for me to engage with and befriend people from different ethnic backgrounds. 

Lastly, this event has equally contributed positively to my achievements in the academic work. First, it has created a good environment for me to learn. Many of my course mates understand my ethnic background, and I equally understand theirs. We were able to tolerate each other’s ethnic diversities that we identified as possible sources of conflicts. Presently, I do not feel intimidated in class due to my ethnic group. This freedom has given me the ability to interact with other students and consequently learn from them. The absence of ethnic intimidation has also created an atmosphere in which I can freely learn in a classroom setting. Therefore, this event has greatly contributed to my academic success. 

In summary, the event on cultural diversity was organized by the university administration with the aim of orienting new students into an ethnically diverse university. Through the event, I learned to appreciate the point of view by others based on their ethnic experiences and diversity. It has greatly helped me to coexist with other students on campus. Moreover, this event created an opportunity for me to interact with students from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Besides, it helped me to create cross-cultural friendships. This event was of great importance to me. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Ethnic Diversity: What You Need to Know.


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