31 Mar 2022


Evaluating Bias in Research

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 549

Pages: 2

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The paper seeks to illustrate the bias depicted in the article “As drug industry’s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias.” It seeks further to describe and approve the fact that as much as there is a growing development of the events in the drug sector, the potential of bias in this industry still grows to great and very tremendous levels in one way or the other. The first step used by students in their research is the selection of the topic or subject of study. While selecting the topic and subject of study, it is always very significant for one to undertake the process in a very careful manner. This is often attained by keeping in mind the amount of time that is available for the entire research process. The length of the paper must also be placed into consideration. There is the need to understand the intended audience plus the limits and availability of the resources to be used in the entire research process. It is also important to check in the library in order to make sure that all the information relevant to the topic is available. Based on the research topic on this article it would be good for the students to first understand the drug industry in a detailed manner in order to allow him or her undertake the best research and then critically analyze the contents of the research paper ( Whoriskey, 2012) . It is equally important for the student to clearly illustrate and understand the bias existing in the drug industry as a way to help maintain proper communication while writing his or her research paper.

Based on the article under study, several bias and assumptions are existent in the drug industry. The first assumption that exists in the drug industry is the fact that most of the studies in this field are often very general. This may not be considered valid under evaluation by some specific individuals or scholars in the industry. This aspect of generalization would actually make the researcher to make inaccurate and invalid characteristics and results from his research. Examples of such general statements include the assumption that everyone would experience the same side effects to some drugs. Bias that could affect the results of the research on drugs is based on gender ( Whoriskey, 2012) . This would be statements such as the fact that males have stronger body systems and thus would require more effective drugs to combat specific conditions as opposed to the females. This is a complete bias in the field of research as it is not very clear whether all males would endure the effective drugs as opposed to their female counterparts.

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On a personal ground, I believe there are some bias and assumptions that are very lethal in the drug industry. As a consumer there is the need for me to know the sales of new drugs. The testing of the new drugs is never done bearing in mind the people or population where the drugs are intended to serve. Most of the testing of these new drugs is based on the profits which the industries would make from the sales of the drugs ( Whoriskey, 2012) . This is not in line with the objectives of these industries to help create drugs that are aimed at ensuring healthy populations. Most of the industries try to hide the facts behind the testing of these drugs.


Whoriskey, P. (2012). As drug industry’s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias. The Washington Post , 2 .

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Evaluating Bias in Research.


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