8 Jun 2022


Factors Associated With Healthcare System in Brazil

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Academic level: College

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Words: 279

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After decades of advancement towards Universal Health Coverage, the healthcare system in Brazil is threatened by diverse factors such as economic, political, poor policies, and backward political decisions that are intended to reverse the progress. The reforms in the healthcare sector have played a significant role in the management and promotion of health across the nation. Notably, citizens have appropriate access to health services with improved clinical outcomes. There are, however, numerous aspects that require proper management to warrant the sustainability of the achievements. Massuda et al. (2018) reported that there are structural weaknesses in the current health system. These weaknesses result from local governmental challenges and inadequate financial allocation capable of improving the current healthcare system status. 

With the current challenges, Brazilians are subjected to a weak health system. The disparities will also worsen the health inequalities within the country. The country is experiencing significant levels of political instability, which in turn affect the economy. If there are no proper interventions for addressing these challenges, the achievements made over the years will be lost. With inadequate policy measures and willingness from the political class to take drastic measures, the adverse effects on health outcomes are likely to increase (Massuda et al., 2018). 

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In the last decade, Brazil has made significant progress in poverty alleviation and other social problems that had weighed down the nation. Similarly, the achievement in the health system realized in the last 20 years will be reversed if the health sector is underfinanced. Moreover, the conditions will be worsened by the weak policy measures from the government. The implementation of the austerity policies can lead to public health crisis that will be defined by poor outcomes and access to services. Addressing the factors associated with the healthcare system is important to promote health equality and improved health outcomes (Massuda et al., 2018). 


Massuda, A., Hone, T., Leles, F., de Castro, M. C., & Atun, R. (2018). The Brazilian health system at crossroads: progress, crisis and resilience.  BMJ global health 3 (4), e000829. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Factors Associated With Healthcare System in Brazil.


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