22 Sep 2022


Facts about the French Revolution

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Financial crisis had hit the country hard after the French government involved itself in expensive wars that escalated to a State bankruptcy and inability to pay her debts. The situation led to implementing taxation for commoners thereby leading hostility and riots among the majority of French population. Peasants were unhappy with the depletion of royal coffers while heavy taxes were imposed on them (Thompson, 2017). The clergy and the noble class were exempted from tax which annoyed the common citizens leading riots, loots and strikes all over the country. Extravagant expenditure by the loyal family angered the French people creating resentment and a desire to overthrow the absolute monarch and the feudal system of governance. 

Popkin (2016) asserted that economic challenges that French people faced triggered the revolution as people were tired by the increasing cost of living. Poor harvests, draught and cattle disease were among the leading economic challenges. Due to low harvests the cost of floor shoot up increasing the price of bread that was a major staple food for the common French citizens. Political reasons also fueled French revolution where the Monarch received opposition from provincial parliaments. The legislative assembly was replaced by National Convention and the establishment of French Republic (Fuller, 2015). A Reign of Terror followed after execution of the King, characterized by establishment of new calendar and abolition of Christianity. 

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Attack of Bastille which was a Royal Fort converted into a prison caused fear all over the French capital on suspicion of military coup. The revolutionaries were in search gunpowder and other weapons as they aimed to revolt against the Monarch due to years of exploitation (Fuller, 2015). The peasants burned and looted the homes of tax collectors, landlords and noble families. Social aspect also triggered the revolution due to emergence of bourgeoisie a third estate class that demanded political equality. The members the Third Estate started to get support for equal representation and also advocated for head count on voting lather than status quo. That would be achieved by terminating the noble veto but it was difficult as the nobles had numerous benefits from the traditional system. Finally, cultural factors were also behind the revolution since people were enlightened that they were being oppressed by the Catholic Church that disregarded traditions while it encouraged a society based on reasons. 


Thompson, J. M. (2017).  Leaders of the French revolution . Pickle Partners Publishing. 

Popkin, J. D. (2016).  A Short History of the French Revolution (Subscription) . Routledge. 

Fuller, J. F. C. (2015).  The Conduct of War 1789-1961: A Study of the Impact of the French, Industrial and Russian Revolutions on War and Its Conduct . Routledge. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Facts about the French Revolution.


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