The population of Fort Worth TX city in 2017 was 874,168 where only 1% lived in the rural areas while the majority, 99%, resided in the urban center. In 2017, the largest part of the population was females, with a total number of 447,350 (51.2%), while males were 426,818 (48.8%). Whites with 345,544 people, make the largest racial group in Fort Worth making, 39.4% of the total population, while Hispanics follow closely with 316,336 individuals. Blacks in the city are 152, 696 (17.4%), Asians are 38,421 (4.4%) with the rest of the minority groups such as American Indians, and Native Hawaiian making a total of 4,694 individuals, which is a 0.55% of the total population.
There is an increase in the estimated median per capita income in Fort Worth from 18,800 dollars in 2000 to 28,174 dollars in 2017. However, in 2017, 12.9% of the Fort Worth TX residents were living in poverty, in which 21.2% were American Indians, 17.6% Latinos, 16.9% other Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian, 16.8% Blacks, 6.6% for the white residents, and 15.7% other races.
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The most common industries in Fort Worth are construction at 9.9%, educational services at 8.3%, healthcare at 9.4%, finance and insurance at 5.1%, and food services and accommodation at 8.8%. Moreover, around 6.9% of residents of Fort worth earn their incomes by working in management occupations, and 3.6% work as maintenance, ground cleaning, and building professionals. The construction labors in the city are 2.3%, cashiers 2.5%, material movers, laborers make 2.3%, dispatching, and scheduling workers are 3.2% while truck drivers and driver sales workers make 2.3%.
Most people in Fort Worth city aged 15 years and above are married with a percentage of 48 of the total population, while the never-married group follows closely at 33.4%. Nonetheless, 4.4 % represents the widowed group both men and women, 2.4% separated, while 11.4% consists of the persons that are already divorced. Most people in Fort Worth are educated with those past high school level being 81.2% and those holding a bachelor's degree being 29.7%. Therefore, for people aged 25 years and above, only 4.1% were unemployed in 2017.