15 Jun 2022


Facts, not Fear. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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Covid-19 is a respiratory disease that affects human beings. It is communicable and highly fatal, and it is caused by the recent strain of Coronavirus. It is believed that the virus was first inhibited by animals who, in turn, infected humans. Coronavirus is a complicated disease, and its symptoms vary from patient to patient. This disease has developed into a pandemic because of its rapid spread over a large geographical area (Slonczewski, & Foster, 2017). The reason for its high frequency transmission is that this particular strain of Corona virus (HCoV)OC43 is the most prevalent yet seen genotype of the (HCoV) respiratory infections. The (HCoV)OC43 continues to evolve and this fuels the pandemic as it is difficult to establish a cure for a rapidly changing strain. 

It comes in the form of severe cold similar to SARS, which affected the middle east. Some have severe symptoms, while others have mild symptoms. The common symptoms appear two to fourteen days after exposure; this is called the incubation period. Some of the common symptoms include fever, cough, tiredness, and loss of senses, such as smell and taste. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, muscle aches, chills, sore throat, runny nose, headache, and chest pains. Recent reports have indicated stomach illness, diarrhea, and vomiting as some of the recent symptoms. Covid-19 also causes some complications, causing the patient to develop pneumonia, experience organ failure, heart problems, and kidney malfunction ("Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)", 2020).

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Coronavirus was first identified in Wuhan, China, and it is included in the large family of viruses that have a crown-like appearance and affect animals, especially mammals. There are many strains of human coronaviruses, but the current one is known as novel (new) Coronavirus because it has never been seen before. It has been rumored to have infected human beings through the consumption of bats which were sold in the Wuhan wild market. 

Coronavirus is mostly spread through human contact, most specifically respiratory droplets. These infections mostly occur in overcrowded places, especially places with poor ventilation. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, breaths, or sings, excreting respiratory droplets, they infect the other person if they fall on their mouth, nose, or ears. Covid-19 is also spread through hands; when an individual shakes an infected person's hand, they collect their infected sweat droplets and infect themselves by touching their mouth, nose, or ears. Covid-19 could also be spread through contaminated surfaces. The risk factors include being in close proximity, such as two meters with an infected person and being sneezed or coughed on by them. 

Although the disease can infect anyone, some individuals are at high risk and could even die as a result of Covid-19. Older people and individuals with chronic illnesses are at high risk of getting severe symptoms of Covid-19. These illnesses include cancer, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, and obesity. Pregnant women could also be at risk and individuals living with unmedicated HIV because of their weakened immune system ("Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Symptoms and causes", 2020) . 

Currently, in the United States, the rates of Covid-19 infections have shot up, and upto 184,174 new infection cases are being reported. The death rates have also increased, and the country recently reported 2607 deaths. The US is one of the most hit countries, with New York being a significant hotspot. The government has imposed social distancing measures to try and reduce the transmission; there are also laws that demand the wearing of masks in public. Contact tracing has also proven to be an efficient preventive measure. This is done by identifying the patient zero, locating the individuals they have been in contact with over the past few days and placing them in quarantine as they get tested (Slonczewski, & Foster, 2017).  

There is no current cure for Covid-19. However, some vaccines have been tested and are projected to be used in January 2021, such as Moderna. The mRNA is one of the vaccines set to be authorized soon. It works by instructing the body cells to make a replica of a harmless spike-like protein as evident in the Covid-19. This protein structure activate body cells to produce antibodies that combat them like foreign objects, thus improving the immune system in case of a Covid-19 infection. 

Preventive measures are the secret in fighting Coronavirus, one of the preventive measures that can prevent the transmission of Covid-19 is regular hand washing and using hand sanitizer because this kills the virus. Wearing medical masks is also a valid measure for prevention and ensuring social distancing of six feet or more. Self-isolation of the infected is also a control measure and avoiding overcrowded areas. 

The local government is also taking steps to help the overwhelming healthcare industry by building temporary hospitals, donating masks, and protective equipment to the medical professionals. They also recommend home caregiving, and to promote this, the local government has employed more healthcare givers. The government is also trying to develop Point-Of-Care (POC) rapid diagnostic tests for Covid-19 although it may take a while. These tests may have some advantages instant results that enable a patient to receive care immediately if found to be positive (Slonczewski, & Foster, 2017).  


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). (2020). Retrieved 2 December 2020, from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html 

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Symptoms and causes. (2020). Retrieved 2 December 2020, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/symptoms-causes/syc-20479963 

Slonczewski, J. L., & Foster, J. W. (2017).  Microbiology: An evolving science: Fourth international student edition . WW Norton & Company. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Facts, not Fear. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).


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