9 Dec 2022


Fear of Coronavirus Among Staff

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 276

Pages: 1

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There are difficulties that we face on a day to day basis while working in our areas of expertise. My position at the adult care center this week has posed several difficulties to us, the staff of the facility. One of the difficulties encountered this week is the fear of the coronavirus among staff. With the increase in coronavirus incidents and reports emerging that there are multiple health workers in the U.S. who have been sickened by the deadly virus, fear has piled up in most healthcare facilities. Karlamangla (2020) stated that hospitals and the other healthcare facilities seem to have become hot spots where the infections are spread. The fear of contraction of coronavirus has increased since the health officials announced that two staff at the Northern California hospital contracted COVID-19 from a patient in the hospital (Karlamangla, 2020) . The conversation taking place among most of the staff in the adult care center is in regard to the heightened fear of coronavirus infection. 

Another difficulty in my line of work is making transport arrangements for the patients with limitations. In the adult care center, the patients who are limited to transport access need help to reach out to people who offer transport services. The non-emergency Patient Transport Services are offered by ambulance companies for those patients who do not need emergency transportations services (Fogue et al., 2016). Intervening in the transportation arrangements posed a challenge due to the significant number of clients who required transportation services throughout the week, and the frequency of these ambulances in the center. It was, therefore, time-consuming to ensure that these patients get access to outside transportation, which is safe and convenient. 

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Fogue, M., Sanguesa, J., Naranjo, F., Gallardo, J., Garrido, P., & Martinez, F. (2016). Non-emergency patient transport services planning through genetic algorithms.  Expert Systems With Applications 61 , 262-271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2016.05.028 

Karlamangla, S. (2020).  Anxiety mounts among U.S. health workers on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak . Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 9 March 2020, from https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-03-02/healthcare-workers-anxiety-as-coronavirus-takes-root-in-the-us. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Fear of Coronavirus Among Staff.


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