26 Jun 2022


Financial problems at Bright Road Healthcare

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 378

Pages: 1

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One of Bright Road's significant challenges is the accessibility of health records because it still uses the paper form of recording. My first recommendation is that Bright Road should update its record-keeping that is already outdated. The update has to include safe checking and better automatic cross-referencing. It will enable immediate capture of the billing errors before being sent out. This system update will allow a more effective electronic medical record-keeping that enhances the process of providing better data on aspects that need a change in a more timely fashion. Without a doubt, these changes will positively impact the reduction of late payments from insurers. Furthermore, it will ensure that nurses get more time in undertaking medication orders at the pharmacy.  

The hospital is also facing the problem of frequent readmission. Dr. Fairbanks is advocating for a better system of physician review in medical billing. He is also pushing for educational materials to be provided to elderly patients to reduce the month's readmission rate. The Marketing Director, Amit Patel, calls for the need to have a costly marketing campaign to boost obstetrics admissions. At the same time, he calls for an improved system for electronic patient records. For me, the more significant benefit starts from first reducing the elderly patient's rate of readmission by educating them. 

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  There is also inadequate education given to elderly patients, which increases hospital readmission cases and further escalates the cost of health care. When the healthcare providers take time to explain to these patients concerning their conditions, what they have to do when they get home, and the materials to read and other assurances to set their mind at ease, all these will certainly help. It will also be useful to have a hotline for patients to make calls, and it will be easy to obtain from them follow-up on questions relating to their health conditions. It will help reduce readmission in less than 30 days. Thus the State of the art upgraded electronic Health record system will reduce the double work providers have to do. Additionally, it will significantly reduce the cost of health care compared to the paperwork recording. Rather than first doing it on paper, they will directly enter the patient's details on the computer or mobile devices. 

  Lastly, I recommend changes to the work culture that involve a less stressful work environment and teamwork spirit to retain employees at Bright Road. It can be possible by having birthday parties, softball leagues, and recognition ceremonies for the employees. These efforts will also boost morale at the workplace. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Financial problems at Bright Road Healthcare.


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