20 Jul 2022


Fleeing Domestic Violence and International Law

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Academic level: College

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Words: 392

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Most women and children, who flee from their original homes, in most cases are victims of domestic violence. Survivors who come from areas like El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and other places have been seeking solace because of the looming threat of domestic violence in those regions, which most of them have already experienced or witnessed. In 2017, for instance, about ten women were killed on a weekly basis through gender-based violence in El Salvador (Bordignon & Moriconi (2017). The Northern Triangle region is proving to be the most unsafe place within America, releasing quite a number of domestic violence refugees. 

Asylum seekers are still entering the United States despite the warning against this movement. Women and children are seeking solace away from their home nations after they have fought with their husbands and cannot bear the pain any more. Most women would rather run away from their husbands than sustain injuries because of the fights and beatings of the husband. The policy or law that President Trump is advocating for seeks to make such vulnerable groups return to the places they have come from (Mathema, 2018). In their home nations, they have faced serious afflictions, displacements, and some have watched their families or friends dying (Wood, 2019). President Trump is on a promotion trail advocating for the move of returning these people and their families back to where they have come from. The US government has been so aggressive in deporting the asylum-seekers without considering that some of them might be returning to unsafe homes, which was their main purpose of the seeking asylum. 

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The Trump administration has been supporting international law sparingly. The administration does not see the need for giving successful inputs that will stabilize these regions and shield the refugees. The administration of Trump is considering a policy that would worsen situations. President Trump has supported the aspect of withdrawing US aid to Honduras in response to the outcomes of these persecutions and fights between husbands and wives (Wood, 2019). The people that are undocumented and living within the United States are at risk of being returned to their nations. The international laws that support reintegration of these victims to their home countries should ensure that the security and stability of those regions are first addressed. 


Bordignon, M., & Moriconi, S. (2017).  The case for a common European refugee policy  (No. 2017/8). Bruegel Policy Contribution. 

Masterton, G. (2019). Fleeing family violence to another country and taking your child is not abduction, but that's how the law sees it. Retrieved from: https://theconversation.com/fleeing-family-violence-to-another-country-and-taking-your-child-is-not-abduction-but-thats-how-the-law-sees-it-109664 

Mathema, S. (2018). They are (Still) Refugees: People Continue to Flee Violence in Latin American Countries. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from: https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/immigration/reports/2018/06/01/451474/still-refugees-people-continue-flee-violence-latin-american-countries/ . 

Wood, T. (2019). Are women escaping family violence overseas considered refugees? Retrieved from: https://theconversation.com/are-women-escaping-family-violence-overseas-considered-refugees-109509 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Fleeing Domestic Violence and International Law.


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