2 Sep 2022


Foods Consumed By Paranthropines Which Influenced their Morphology

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Diet has proved to be one of the major contributing factors in the process of human evolution. Various modifications in the kind of food eaten and manners through which it is acquired have been related to encephalization and the development of uprightness, along with social, cultural, and ecological evolution within the hominin family. Considering this significance, a wide range of techniques have been applied in the study of primary hominin food across the years. Stable carbon isotope evaluation is a comparative apprentice to early hominin dietary analysis. The original carbon isotope studies submitted that living African apes and South African hominin had significantly different diets. Therefore, this review seeks to explore the past about hominin diet, later on shifting to the extant evaluating a hominin set of data that has greatly changed through taxonomic, sequential, and geographical tendencies with an aim of incorporating the isotopic statistics with dietary data from the dental formula, mandibular structure. And finally assessing the future and generating certain proposals for addressing resulting from issues about hominid food. 

Use of Dietary Isotopic Evidence 

Carbon isotope exploration is utilized in paleodietary analyses due to the connection with the theory “that you are what you consume.” Isotopic hints of previous meals are suspended in the tooth enamel and are recuperated after millions of years since the enamel is fundamentally prefossilized and as a result, impervious to postmortem isotopic adjustment (Strait et al., 2013). Carbon isotopic is particularly valuable to individual diets based, openly or implicitly, on plants using C3 and C4 photosynthesis. C3 plants consist of not only nearly all tree and shrub biomass in African savannas but also several herbaceous varieties. Whereas C4 include some sedges, tropical grasses, as well as little else as a proportion of biomass within the African savanna environments. C4 tend to integrate more carbon into their tissues than do C3 plants, and the carbon isotope conformations of C3 and C4 plants do not intersect. The carbon isotope conformations of plant foods are reproduced in the tissues of feeders with certain extra fractionation, and as a result, the carbon isotope proportions in the tooth enamel easily separate C4 grass eaters from leaf or fruit feeders (Strait et al., 2013). However, carbon isotope analysis cannot promptly classify between diets based on vegetation such as C4 grasses and animals that feed on those plants include wildebeests and zebras. 

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Succulent vegetation utilize a third photosynthesis pathway including crassulacean acid metabolism that effectively interchanges C3 and C4 photosynthesis which seems to generate plant-like carbon isotope structure in tropical Africa (Strait et al., 2013). Now that the carbon isotope data for the majority of early African hominin species have become available, for the first time, it is easier to generate broad taxonomic, geographical, and time-based evaluations of hominin carbon isotopic compositions unlike it were in the past when this data used not to exist. Even though there exist certain proportion of plant biomass in a number of savannas and woodland biotas which are rarely vital foods for primates, crassulacean acid metabolism plants characterize an impending wrinkle for understanding hominin carbon isotopic evidence based on a simple dichotomous C3 versus C4 classification. 

The first isotopic examination of early hominin by paleoanthropologists indicated that the southern African australopiths, Paranthropus robustus, and Australopithecus africanus fed on mostly carbon that was derived from C3 plants as well as foods with substantial amounts of CAM or C4. However, animals such as the chimpanzee have mostly fed on diets rich in C3 despite living in environments with abundant C4 plants (Sponheimer et al., 2013). These results confirm that australopiths fed on carbon-enriched plants which included C4 sedges and grass, or fed on animals that had consumed these plants. Most importantly, this possibility was highly interesting, however, the first likelihood as well imperative, since it proposed that these hominins utilized their environments in various ways compared to existent apes. Additionally, these australopiths contrasted from apes in that the inconsistency of their carbon isotope conformations were slightly higher than those of the chimpanzees. 

Several outlines of evidence suggest that hominin surroundings continue to get grassier, and being that these alterations were neither irreversible nor reliable across Africa, they to some extent do correspond with the tendency in hominin carbon records with larger C-enriched supply intake over time. Conversely, the progressive rise in hominid C records is determined by proceedings including the basis of major CAM or C4 uptake at approximately almost 3.5 Ma and the source of the species Paranthropus by almost 2.5 Ma ( Nicholas, 2015) . The original event could have been due to ecological changes, while if that is the case, it is less likely to have been a simple rise in available C4 pastures as there is the slight purpose to be certain of the bigger surroundings of Ar. ramidus and A. anamensis were less green than the environments of A. afarensis. A robust example can be made that the originality of Paranthropus together with its C4-enriched diet overlapped with rises in C4 biofuel. There is yet none of the indications that non-Paranthropus hominin δ13C estimates dropped from approximately 3.5 to 1.5 Ma or through conservational gradients. 

With the exclusion of Homo, the chewing expedient of primary hominins became gradually strong for example denser mandibular structures and huger postcanine dental regions with time, and even if there is discussion regarding the particular diets resulted into this structural growth, an adjustable change in diet affected by environmental variation is commonly associated (Ungar , Grine, & Teaford, 2008). The δ13C figure through interval is mostly regular with a reversing alteration in australopith food. Noteworthy associations between early hominin δ13C estimates and postcanine tooth region and mandibular cross-section extent at first lower molar are as well constant with an affiliated adjustment in anatomy and diet (Ungar et al., 2008). However, there is no apparent connection concerning hominin dental microwear variables including anisotropy and complexity and carbon isotopic conformations, or mandibular cross-sectional area, or post canine range. 

Carbon isotopes tend not to express the likelihood of australopith faulivory. It is evident that the exceedingly high levels of δ13C of P. boisei, A. bahrelghazali, and certain primates of another hominin taxonomy are characteristic of grass leaf blade eating herbivores and that, within the catarrhine apes, that particular great record is only gotten commonly within fossil families of the grass-consuming baboon referred to as T. gelada (Ungar et al., 2008). Although, folivores, can predominantly feed on C3, C4, or both as mixed diets. Through this vagueness, ambiguity, different interpretations of the following indicators have been evolved. According to Ungar et al. ( 2008), Eastern African australopiths were improved for durophagy, but solid objects were momentarily fed on only during periods when preferred foods were absent. This particular alternative alteration may perhaps clarify their less- intricate microwear emerges. Sedge USOs are rationally excellent means for which hominins would have had the little struggle. Conceivably the C4 foods eaten by hominins included grass blades, meristems, stems, and roots on the basis of periodic disposal. This kind of diet places promptly with the carbon isotope evidence for A. bahrelghazali and P. boisei which is constant with dental microwear indication assumed that T. gelada periodically feeds on all of these substances. 


Currently, studies concerning the evolution of hominin diets advance on a number of comparable borders, all of which present distinctive inquiries about diet and function at various spatiotemporal measures. For instance, carbon isotope exploration discloses the photosynthetic path from where dietary carbon was originated around a period of months or centuries subject to by what means the tooth has experimented (Macho, 2015) . However, Dentognathic morphology declares the kinds of foods to which the chewing apparatus is adjusted to and as a result, most openly reveals the diet of preceding cohorts. These study fronts are corresponding, and in sequence, they are supposed to deliver a more comprehensive representation of the prehistoric diet. On the other hand, they do not constantly meet on an uncomplicated dietary analysis, although such difficulties may arise from the researcher’s incomplete capacity to deduce the different outlines of data. 

The chewing apparatus of primary hominins became progressively strong for instance denser mandibular bodies and huger postcanine tooth regions with time, and even if there is discussion regarding the particular diets resulted into this structural growth, an adjustable change in diet affected by environmental variation is commonly associated ( Dykes, 2018) . The carbon values across interval are mostly regular with a reversing alteration in australopith food. Notably, associations between early hominin estimates and postcanine tooth region and mandibular cross-section extent at first lower molar are as well constant with an affiliated adjustment in anatomy and diet. However, there is no apparent connection concerning hominin dental microwear variables including anisotropy and complexity and carbon isotopic conformations, or mandibular cross-sectional area, or postcanine range. 

Dental Microwear Reconstruction 

The Plio-Pleistocene hominin Paranthropus boisei had huge, densely, smooth, covered cheek teeth, a strong mandible and cranium, and secondary, powerful, massive mastication muscles. This particular structure which secured P. boisei the name the Nutcracker Man submits that this particular hominin could have fed on extreme automatically daring foods. However, it has lately been debated that specified hominin structure may imply adaptations for the eating of irregular substitute diets as opposed to ideal reserves. Dental microwear suggests prospective ways on how to measure this theory in as much as it reveals the actual consumption as opposed to hereditary alteration. 

Improved microwear outward surface anisotropy and complexity in existing apes can be linked to the feeding of extremely tough and stringy foods respectively ( Dykes, 2018) . This section contemporarily presents the primary quantitative examination of dental microwear for P. boisei. Out of the seven specimens observed well-kept light ante mortem molar microwear. These all display comparatively little difficulty and anisotropy standards. It puts forward that none of the characters ate particularly tough or hard foods in the times before they passed away. The seeming difference amongst performing anatomy and microwear is dependable with the indication that P. boisei gives a hominin illustration of Liem’s Paradox, given that a highly resulting require to need not to replicate a particular diet. 

Forms of tooth microwear reveal the physical characteristics of foods consumed. As a result, apes that feed on inelastic, hard foods are likely to have heavily eroded, multifaceted microwear exterior textures, while those that consume rough stems or leaves have more aelotropic surfaces subjugated by lengthy, matching patterns. Microwear can be accurately observed by merging scanning confocal profilometry and scale-responsive incomplete examination to distinguish tiny surface touch aspects such as three-dimensional anisotropy and complexity (Macho, 2015) . This methodology referred to as microwear texture study, removes viewer inaccuracy intrinsic in feature-founded dimensions, thus permitting more assertive contrasts in the spread of data as well as the standard statistical exploration of the mean, median, and mode. Assuming that microwear formulates and varies rapidly, for example, in the times before death, it becomes more likely to study the varieties of foods consumed by an ape, as opposed to just the most likely-consumed diets implicated by certain makes as frugivore or folivores. 

The chewing system of primary hominins became increasingly strong for instance denser mandibular organs and huger postcanine tooth regions with time, and even if there is discussion regarding the particular diets resulted into this structural growth, an adjustable change in diet affected by environmental variation is commonly associated. The carbon values across interval are mostly regular with a reversing alteration in australopith food (Strait et al., 2013). Especially, associations between early hominin estimates and postcanine tooth region and mandibular cross-section extent at first lower molar are as well constant with an affiliated adjustment in anatomy and diet. However, there is no apparent connection concerning hominin dental microwear variables including anisotropy and complexity and carbon isotopic conformations, or mandibular cross-sectional area, or postcanine range. 

Craniofacial Evidence 

Every P. boisei cases exhibited light microwear, with majority displaying wear surfaces led by reasonable patterns. None among them had the profound, enormous pits predictable of a hard-object expert or the unvaryingly huge, deep and matching patterns perceived of hard food eating animals. Incomplete complexity rates were consistently low with the insignificant difference, and anisotropy principles were adequate, both in series and central tendency. P. boisei incomplete density measure spread close to the lowest end of the variety for extant apes. None presented the exceedingly great Asfc rates detected for certain Lophocebus albigena and particularly Cebus apella families ( Dykes, 2018) . Moreover, no one of the P. boisei families presented the very high anisotropy records realized for particular Alouatta palliata and Trachypithecus cristata primates. These findings are generated out to a mark by statistical exploration in spite of the minor sample size for the remnant hominin. Especially, P. boisei had considerably lesser Asfc values and discrepancy compared to C.apella, and slightly minor Asfc values than L. albigena. 

Paranthropus Boisei 

Paranthropus boisei has the largest, smoothest cheek dental formula, and the heaviest teeth surface of any known member of the family referred to as the Hominin (Strait et al., 2013). Its mandible and the skull appear constructed to repel the stresses related to heavy mastication and give abundant connection regions for enormous muscles of chewing. Then it is no amazement that Paranthropus boisei has been greatly considered to have been a hard-substance eater, specifying on seeds and nuts, or on rhizomes and stems from the grasslands that extend all over Eastern Africa throughout the Plio-Pleistocene (Strait et al., 2013). That being said, craniodental efficient structure gives comprehensions into what a hominin could have fed on, even though not necessarily what it actually ate on a daily basis. However, tooth microwear, the array of microscopic use-wear on a dental structure, is as a result of, and replicates, particular foods consumed by the primates whose teeth are being observed. Therefore, microwear can offer a direct suggestion for the foods and scavenging schemes of fossil varieties. 

The Plio-Pleistocene hominin Paranthropus boisei possessed a huge, densely, smooth, covered cheek teeth, a resilient mandible and cranium, and secondary, powerful, massive mastication muscles. This particular morphology, which secured P. boisei the name the Nutcracker Man submits that this particular hominin could have fed on extreme automatically daring foods. However, it has lately been debated that specified hominin structure may imply adaptations for the eating of irregular substitute diets as opposed to ideal reserves (Green, 2017) . Dental microwear suggests prospective ways on how to measure this theory in as much as it reveals the actual consumption as opposed to hereditary alteration. Improved microwear outward surface anisotropy and complexity in existing apes can be linked to the feeding of extremely tough and stringy foods respectively. This section contemporarily presents the primary quantitative examination of tooth microwear owned by P. boisei. Out of the six samples observed well-kept light ante mortem molar microwear (Klein, 2013). These all display comparatively little difficulty and anisotropy standards. It puts forward that none of the characters ate particularly tough or hard foods in the times before they passed away. According to Klein (2013), the seeming difference amongst performing anatomy and microwear is dependable with the indication that P. boisei gives a hominin illustration of Liem’s Paradox. This is as a result of replicating a particular food. 

Paranthropus Aethiopicus 

Paranthropus/ Australopithecus aethiopicus is believed to be the most primitive of the robust species. The genus Australopithecus is used because it is said to have originated from Au. Afarensis. Additionally, Paranthropus was the species term assigned to the South African robust form, P. robustus, and queries remain as to whether the two varieties are interrelated. There exist several lines of evidence to confirm Au. Aethiopicus as an offspring variety of Au. Afarensis. While some consider that Au. Aethiopicus brought forth P. boisei, others link P. boisei with P. robustus in an, unlike aspect, with Au. Africanus as their mutual antecedent (Galway-Witham, 2016) . More newly revealed material within the environmental reach of Au. Aethiopicus supports the Au. Aethiopicus P. boisei evolutionary development. The dates of the original fossils range between the two species, and they have transitional features. 

Diversity and Complexity in Early Hominin Diets 

Three details are provided as to the diversity of mastication, where none of them appears to correspond to all situation. Majorly, if that contact improves the specific surface area per to volume ration of a substance. The degree of activity of a catalyst in the bowel is relative to the exact cover acted upon. The high metabolism proportions of creatures could have demanded the development of the automatic disintegration of solids prior to chemical breakdown. Conversely, present animals have great metabolism levels but do not still have dental formula as well. They had a lesser capacity to swallow nutrients through their beaks, and other omnivorous animals as well had maws adept of crushing stones by the strong stroke that squashes ingested gravel onto the food. Nonetheless, the primary explicit surfaces of seeds are normally already high (Strait et al., 2013). Some mammals also ingest foods of high specific surface yet appear to chew the foods. They include ungulates which predominantly feeds on grasses and leaves, the forms of which produce a little additional level on cracking. 


Dykes, S. J. (2018).  Nature and extent variability in inferior second morals of living hominoids and extinct hominin species with particular reference to modern homo sapiens and its potential for use as an analogue types in the context of fossil hominin tooth unpredictability judgments  (Doctoral dissertation). 

Galway-Witham, J. (2016). “What’s in a Name?” The Classification & Phylogeny of Premature Homo.  Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 25 (2). 

Green, D. R. (2017).  Renovating oxygen isotope seasonality in huge herbivores through mineralization modeling, experimentation and optimization  (Doctoral dissertation). 

Klein, R. G. (2013). Stable carbon isotopes and human evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 110 (26),10470-10472. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1307308110 

Lucas, P., Corlett, R., & Luke, D. (1985). Plio-pleistocene hominid diets: An approach combining masticatory and ecological analysis. Journal of Human Evolution, 14 (2), 187-202. doi:10.1016/s0047-2484(85)80006-3 

Macho, G. A. (2016). The Implications of Morphology, Mechanics, and Microstructure of Teeth for Understanding Dietary Drivers in Human Evolution. The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Diet . doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199694013.013.26 

Nicholas, C. L. (2015). The ontogeny of indistinct floor figure variation in Homo and the inspiration of facial size, the forward dental, and patterns of bifacial incorporation. 

Sponheimer, M., Alemseged, Z., Cerling, T. E., Grine, F. E., Kimbel, W. H., Leakey, M. G., . . . Wynn, J. G. (2013). Isotopic evidence of early hominin diets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (26), 10513-10518. doi:10.1073/pnas.1222579110 

Strait, D. S., Constantino, P., Lucas, P. W., Richmond, B. G., Spencer, M. A., Dechow, P. C., . . . Ledogar, J. A. (2013). Viewpoints: Diet and dietary adaptations in early hominins: The hard food perspective. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 151 (3), 339-355. doi:10.1002/ajpa.22285 

Ungar, P. S., Grine, F. E., & Teaford, M. F. (2008). Correction: Dental Microwear and Diet of the Plio-Pleistocene Hominin Paranthropus boisei. PLoS ONE, 3 (5). doi:10.1371/annotation/195120f0-18ee-4730-9bd6-0d6effd68fcf 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Foods Consumed By Paranthropines Which Influenced their Morphology.


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