This research paper is geared toward critically analyzing the journal article Family Caregivers: Nurses’ Perception and Attitudes . This is an article that seeks to evaluate how registered nurses consider, think of, and relate with family caregivers, who happen to do so on an informal basis. Informal in this dimension takes the perspective of neither having formal training to undertake caregiving nor having undergone licensing for the same. From an evaluative and critical perspective, the instant research paper will look at the relevance of the research undertaken. This relates to how the research and its intended findings relate to the situation in modern healthcare and nursing. Next, this research paper will critically evaluate the entire research process. Further, how the results have been discussed in order to arrive at a conclusion as well as the conclusion itself will be placed under focus. Finally, the instant paper will look at the implications of the research. This includes how it will affect the modern practice of nursing from a caregiving perspective as well as what further research ought to be made, based on realizations made in the course of the critically analyzed research paper.
Substantive and Theoretical Dimensions
Relevance and Significance of the Research Problem
On an overwhelmingly regular basis, highly qualified and registered nurses have to work alongside and together with the parents and friends of the patients, who take care of them when the nurses are not available. Modern medicine has augmented the ability to cure and/or control many debilitating ailments and diseases. Many of these are, however, in different levels of convalescence and in need of constant care. No matter how many and committed registered nurses are, they can never be enough to handle the burden. Therefore, nurses have to work together with the friends and relative who continue with caregiving activities when convalescents return home. These friends and relatives are loosely referred to as family caregivers as albeit they are not qualified for the duty, what they do is actually caregiving (Useros et al, 2012) . With the focus on caregiving being primarily on the patient, the nature of the relationship between registered nurses and the afore-defined informal caregivers is a major bearing factor in the caregiving of the patient. If the formal and informal caregivers do not get along, the patient stands to suffer. Relationships in any essence are premised inter alia on perceptions and attitudes. It has, therefore, become important to seek to understand the perceptions and attitudes that the formal caregivers have towards their informal associates since in affecting their relationship, it also affects the level and nature of care that the patients receive (Useros et al, 2012) . This makes the research question what the perceptions and attitudes of registered caregivers as against family caregivers is extremely relevant and significant to the modern healthcare industry.
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Appropriateness of the Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework that informs the research reported in the article is premised on the understanding that nurses are not similar and thus their attitudes and perception cannot be the same (Useros et al, 2012) . It is, therefore, not possible to pick a random group of nursing professionals and call it representative of the entire group. Instead, the variances between different members of the profession were brought to the fore within the research. For example, the level of qualification varries exponentially between a registered nurse and an Advanced Practice Registered Nurses. Similarly, experience matters a lot in the practice of nursing with a veteran nurse being different from a nurse with little experience. The area of practice also differs exponentially in nursing and this moulds attitudes and perception. All these factors have been considered in the conceptual framework of the study. This is because the study, based on a qualitative approach divided the sample group into seven main groups, each based on a practice peculiarity.
Congruence between the Research Question and Method Used
There was a passable congruency between the research question and the method used for the research. It is worthy of notice that under the circumstances, passable must be considered as a high score, based on the complexity of the research question. The question is based on an element that can neither be measured nor quantified. Performing an ethnography would also be difficult due to the complex nature of the medical institutions where the sample group operates. The research method, therefore, focused on discussion groups where verbal and non-verbal communication could be assessed as a means of research (Useros et al, 2012) . This is passable as it will elicit results that answer the research question, albeit not with a very high level of accuracy.
Literature Research
The literature research undertaken was extremely concise but elucidative. It is also wide as it relates to the relevance of the study currently and in future. With the study being based in Spain, the literature review focuses on the nature of the relationship between formal and informal caregivers in that country. It then moves into the arena of the future by looking at the situation in Greece. This entails informal caregivers practically joining their colleagues inside hospitals as unpaid volunteers. This goes a long way in cementing the relevance and significance of the research. The literature review also reveals a problem that can be responded to through answering the research question. This is based on a complaint emanating from a research on informal caregivers whose results showed that informal caregivers believe their formal colleagues do not care about them (Useros et al, 2012) . A research of this nature would have demanded a more expansive literature review but the available one passably serves the purpose.
Methodological Dimensions
Research Design
The research design used in the reported research is qualitative research innovatively based on group discussions made by focus groups. The target of the research is the comments made during the casual discussions made during the group discussion that seemingly represents the consensus of the group. A moderator would initiate and control discussion to ensure it focuses on the research subject then record what seems to be the consensus of the group regarding a subject. With there being no formal vote on the subject , the moderator would assess both verbal and non-verbal communication (Useros et al, 2012) .
Population and Sample
The sample was carefully selected from different hospitals within Spain. Being based on focus groups meant that there was no actual pre-selected sample population, nor a pre-agreed number within the sample group. Instead, a criterion was used to arrive at seven focus groups to which invitations to attend a meeting would be made. Groups one and two were based on having experience in home care plans kindred to primary care. Group three was made up of nursing professional novices. The exact opposite of group three was group four, made of highly experienced nurses. Group five was made up of specialized nurses from different practice specialties. Group 6 was made of specialists just as in group five but specific to those who had home care experience. Finally, group seven was for specialist specifically with zero home care experience (Useros et al, 2012) .
Collection of Data
Through the consent of kindred authorities, eight qualified nurses according to the aforementioned criterion were invited to each group. Both the setting and the mode of discussion would be extremely informal and understood not to have any professional ramifications. Between five and seven nurses showed up in each group and participated in the approximately ninety-minute discussion (Useros et al, 2012) . The group moderators would collect verbal data, based on what they considered to be the consensus on the particular subject. Discussions on the subject would be openly allowed until the group seemed to agree on a point. This point would form the results.
An individual may never understand or perceive their own attitudes and perceptions but within a discussion with peers, these can easily come out actively or passively. Therefore, a questionnaire or interview may have brought out assumed perceptions and attitudes but a focus group discussion will draw out the reality. This makes the data collection method valid to an acceptable extent.
Ethical Dimensions
As opposed to much-kindred research, ethical issues within this particular study were exponentially diminished. For a start, the research sample was based on actual nursing professionals with both a formal education within the discipline and also licensing. This means that they had a comprehensive understanding of the ethical implications involved in the research as they joined and during the pendency thereof. Further, the research was in the form of an invitation only focus group. Therefore, both attendance and participation to the same were absolutely on a voluntary basis. Focus group discussions are mainly privileged, a fact that raises perhaps the only ethical issue under the circumstance. This was, however, cured by having all participants sign consents before commencing the focus group discussions (Useros et al, 2012) . No other ethical steps were deemed necessary, a fact that, based on the nature of the research seems in order.
Interpretive Dimensions
Discussion Section
The discussion section was perhaps the largest segment of the research article and combined the results with available research on the subject. Based on the results, it was established that the formal caregivers appreciated informal caregivers and also recognized the integral part they play in caregiving. They appreciated their commitment to caring for their loved ones who are unwell, but many nurses still hold the mentality of the traditional image of an informal caregiver being the older women in the society (Useros et al, 2012) . However, they felt that albeit the informal caregivers have not taken any oath, their love and the voluntary nature of their work makes up for the same. Further, with regard to competence, the nurses indicated that their informal colleagues may not be competent but they carry a great will to learn and always pay attention when being taught. These results were juxtaposed with available research on the subject and synthesized for viability.
Conclusion Section
The discussion led to the conclusion that there were positive perception and attitude by formal care givers towards their informal colleagues to allow for a healthy relationship and working together to assist patients. Further, this attitude is not only viable for the two parties to work together, but also evokes a willingness by the formal nurses to train and assist their informal colleagues. Therefore, if there are any differences between the two parties, they do not stem from perception and attitude, based on the research so performed (Useros et al, 2012) . A careful analysis of the entire research process from the initial literature review to the very comprehensive discussion section reveals that the aforementioned conclusion was correctly arrived at.
Implications Section
The nurses during discussion did not seem to have shown the mentality of an informal caregiver being the old wife of a patient or the aging mother. This concept has changed because of the expanding nature of convalescents in need of informal care. An understanding of the same needs to be inculcated academically and by healthcare authorities through policy formulation. The instant study can help give pointers towards the same (Useros et al, 2012) .
The critically reviewed research study is reflective of a carefully and correctly undertaken research on an important and relevant subject. The research does indeed comprehensively answer the research question, which makes for a successful project. However, as aforementioned, behind the research question was a problem based on the opinion that entailed informal caregivers feeling that formal caregivers did not care for them. This problem remains unsolved as it clearly does not lay in the perceptions and attitudes of nurses. It, therefore, provides a need for further research, perhaps from a different dimension.
Useros, M. V. D., Espino, A. A., Parra, E. C., & Martinez, A. B. (2012). Family Caregivers: Nurses’ Perception and Attitudes. Social Medicine , 6 (3), 151-161