31 Aug 2022


Global Transportation: The Future of Getting Around

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 274

Pages: 1

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The distribution system of the global freight and the general transportation has been impacted by convergence concerning infrastructure, modes, terminals and technology. Behind the standardization of the freight transport system is the containerization. This has led to the growth of global supply practices that try to reconcile a variety of capacity, price, efficiency and management constraints. 

Europe and North America are two prime markets that notably share commonalities when it comes to inbound logistics otherwise known as import functions and more advanced distribution system for freights that link them to trade flows globally. There are still significant differences regarding logistical strategies taking place all across the globe. Various comparative studies show that North America and Europe do not walk the same path regarding logistical networks as well as transport configuration through decisions made on its operational arrangement and making a regulatory framework. For instance, there are clear differences in rail terminals and networks in Europe and North America. As many researchers observe, the transport policy in North America relies majorly on big bang approach while the system in Europe relies more on the incremental system. The regulatory changes and globalization raise yet another concern of the elements that enable comparative analysis of Europe and North American gateway logic. 

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The geography of transport reveals infrastructure, interactions and locations define circulation system. In North America, the level of concentration of various economic activities is notably high with various significant resources. From the beginning, it was majorly commercial considerations that helped to shape the setting corridors and gateway of North America. This has stayed stable for quite a long period. North America and Europe also differ in the level of division of flows of freight. The degree of specialization in the gateways of Europe is lower than that of North America. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Global Transportation: The Future of Getting Around.


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