22 Sep 2022


Globalization and Diversity: What You Need to Know

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 550

Pages: 2

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Some people believe that globalization is as old as humanity itself ( Pieterse, 2015) . It is a historical process that would have begun when people started travelling to other parts of the world. Humans began travelling long and short distances while merchants and migrants delivered their products, ideas, and customs into the new lands ( Pieterse, 2015) . The adaptation, melding, and borrowing of outside influence are a common occurrence even in the modern day world. Therefore, globalization can be described as a process involving the integration and interaction among governments of different countries, people, and companies. It is a process that is influenced by investment and international trade and mainly facilitated by information technology ( Pieterse, 2015) . Globalization has a direct impact on the human well-being, environment, prosperity and economic development, culture, and political systems in societies in the entire world. Globalization is not a new concept and has existed for thousands of years such as the Silk Road that connected Europe and China in the middle ages. The research paper will evaluate globalization and diversity. 

Globalization has an impact on the target population. As an area becomes globalized, factors such as multinationals, trade, and travel become serious issues in the economy of an area. Globalization targets the entire world. Therefore, as trade and investment increase in an area, the local community will be exposed to new cultures, races, and identities. The area will have increased diversity due to the influx of foreigners and new cultures ( Lum, 2017) . As various businesses invest in an area, they must understand the cultural diversity of the particular region. Investors must respect the culture and traditions of the local population. Additionally, most multinationals are required to employ the local population and learn new languages. In some cases, traditional rituals and customs are replaced by the popular culture influenced by globalization because most people want to be associated with ‘Americanized’ societies. 

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The era of globalization has increased the need for diversity management. Globalization is rapidly transforming politics, society, and economics in addition to changing the workplace demographics. Modern-day employees are more diverse than ever in history and minorities constitute more than 40% of the US workforce (Rowntree et al., 2015). Moreover, the perception if leadership about cultural diversity is changing rapidly because most governments are implementing policies that encourage diversity. The global and multi-cultural workforce shows new ideas and opinions regarding inclusion efforts and diversity. Global diversity involves understanding and respecting the differences between countries and the cultural diversity of every nation. Multinationals are ensuring that they have support from the top management regarding inclusion and diversity practices. Hence, globalization encourages the flow of norms, customs, and practices within the workplace. However, corporates must understand the cultural implications of diversity and have a standardized culture that will allow all employees to achieve business objectives (Rowntree et al., 2015). 

The research paper has evaluated globalization and diversity. Globalization has both indirect and direct effects on the target population. Globalization affects all aspects of a person’s life such as clothing, religion, music, food, language, and transport. However, it may affect individuals differently according to income, location, and education. Hence, the local population becomes more diverse because of the influx of new cultures and people. Also, globalization affects the nature of the business, especially in small-scale business. When multinationals invest in an area, they bring new ideas targeting both the local and foreign populations. If the local businesses are unable to compete with the new investments, they may end up shutting down in the long run ( Lum, 2017) . Also, the multinationals may have certain competitive advantages that allow them to produce quality goods at cheaper prices. Furthermore, the target population may benefit from being employed in the emerging businesses. Also, the increasing number of businesses in the area will cause a rise in property values in the area. 


Lum, B. (2017). Globalization and identity: cultural diversity, religion, and citizenship : Routledge. 

Pieterse, J. N. (2015). Globalization and culture: Global mélange : Rowman & Littlefield. 

Rowntree, L., Lewis, M., Price, M., & Wyckoff, W. (2015). Diversity amid globalization . Pearson Education UK. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Globalization and Diversity: What You Need to Know .


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