24 Jun 2022


Group Topology

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Academic level: College

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Words: 858

Pages: 3

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The chosen intervention is the task group. Social workers spend a lot of time in the task groups mainly in teams, treatment conferences, and committees. The task groups’ main focus is to develop new ideas, plans, and problem-solving skills. The social workers can form a task group and come with ideas that can be helpful in the treatment of Paula. Because most of the social workers have met and experience with Paula, working together through meetings and sharing new ideas and problem-solving skills can help find a lasting solution to Paula. The purpose and objective of the task group will be to help Paula respond positively to her medication. 

The treatment model for Paula can be the treatment conferences and support. Through the treatment conferences, social workers can come up with new ideas and solutions to the problem of Paula. During the treatment conferences, the social workers share the information about their experience with the patient and then come up with the treatment options available for the client. Through effective leadership through the task group, the social workers can identify as a group the best way to help Paula manage her situation and respond to the treatment. Because Paula does not complete her treatment despite positive response at the start, she requires a treatment model that combines the ideas of a group of social workers as well as the nurses. Working together through the treatment conference can help find the best solution to the problem that Paula is undergoing. 

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Providing support to Paula is also another treatment model that can be of help to her. She seems isolated and does not engage in social interaction. Her condition requires support from both the care providers as well as the social workers. The support can be in the form of either physical help because she is weak, but it can also be in the form of emotional and social support. Paula talks of suicidal thought, and she requires emotional support to help her have a stable mental state. By constantly sitting and sharing with her, Paula can remove her suicidal thought and develop hope that her condition shall be better. A combination of the social and emotional support together with the treatment conferences can offer a better opportunity to help Paula develop a positive behavior change. 

The major purpose of the group task that is support is to work together as one whole in finding a solution to the problem. It involves working through integration and group cohesion through the application of the foundational knowledge and skills to manage the situation of the patient. As a support group, the goal is to provide effective support as a treatment model for Paula to help change her behavior and attitude. The group leadership shall be based on adherence to the group leadership skills such as data gathering and assessment as well as acting skills ( Toseland & Rivas , 1984). The leadership of the group is based on the ability to facilitate the group processes aimed at meeting the overall purpose of the group. It requires effective leadership skills and processes to ensure that the major purpose of the group is achieved. The group leadership needs to develop the purpose of the group, identification of the type of the problem involved and making the group work as a whole through the group membership. Using the treatment conferences as the treatment model, the group features will be based on leading meetings, information sharing, facilitating involvement and commitment and making effective decisions. 

The focus of the task group is on the task to be completed. The group focuses on the accomplishing a task, which is to help Paula develop a positive behavior change and help her respond to the problem of medication response. The composition of the task group is based on the needed talents and expertise by the social workers and the care providers. The group is bonded by the task to be completed and not the personal needs of the group members. At the same time, the communication of the group is focused on the task to be accomplished. As a support group, the communication pattern will be focused on the support that is to be provided to the patient. The members of the group come together united with a common purpose which is to accomplish a particular task ( Toseland & Rivas , 1984). The success of the group is therefore based on how well the members have succeeded in helping the patient, which is their core task. The procedures of the meetings are usually formal with rules to be followed and task-oriented. 

As compared to individual efforts, group efforts are essential in helping accomplish a particular task. Task group provides an opportunity for healthy group discussions and combined decision making thus providing the best option to help the patient manage her condition. Increased number of members increases the quantity of information available thus increasing effective decision making. Various tasks are complex and require a combination of diverse talents and skills ( Toseland & Rivas , 1984). While working together to provide support for the patient, the group are more likely to reach a more effective decision that will be helpful ( Palomares, Martinez & Herrera, 2014 ). Task group is task-oriented, and the evaluation is based on the level of task accomplishment. This ensures that the group can identify whether the implemented strategy is being effective and to make a follow up based on the original goal set by the group leader. 


Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (1984).  An introduction to group work practice . New York: Macmillan. 

Palomares, I., Martinez, L., & Herrera, F. (2014). A consensus model to detect and manage noncooperative behaviors in large-scale group decision making.  IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 22 (3), 516-530. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Group Topology.


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