28 Jun 2022


Groups and Teams Impact on Healthcare Organizations

Format: Other

Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Statement

Words: 246

Pages: 1

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Appropriate collaboration can positively and immediately impact patient-centered care, well-being, plus outcomes. For example, sharing wide-based principles besides values, and culture can support formation and development of a capable team that can deliver exceptional patient-centered care outcomes (Babiker et al., 2014). Furthermore, the groups and team participants, together with the patient, can integrate their interpretations, policymaking accountabilities, and proficiency to enhance patient care results. For example, in a multifaceted setting context, appropriate collaboration can be vital for the patient’s safety as it can reduce adversatives and errors triggered by ineffective communication, besides roles and responsibilities misinterpretations. 

Experience Working with Teams in the Workplace 

My experience is that, when working with teams, collective accountability without superior collaboration may lead to instantaneous threats for the patient. For instance, ineffective interaction among a patient, caregiver, and healthcare professionals, can push a patient to take legal actions (Babiker et al., 2014). Moreover, therapeutic inaccuracies, near misses, plus other antagonistic events can emerge due to communication inadequacies among team members even in well-balanced teams. Moreover, effective group and team collaboration can support one to nurture and hone hands-on skills that can be increasingly significant in one’s professional field. 

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Important Lessons Learned 

The significant lessons that I have learned are that best practices identification can support group and team participants to avoid potential threats, plus helping them to control unnecessary costs. Moreover, for the participants to be capable there should be creation of mutual and evidently well-defined single-mindedness, including collective interests and established collective tenure (Babiker et al., 2014). Additionally, there should be clear roles definition and continuous highlight plus cultivation of sound interaction abilities, along with quantifiable best practices and results, besides effective group and team leaders. 


Babiker, A., El Husseini, M., Al Nemri, A., & et al. (2014). Health care professional development: Working as a team to improve patient care. Sudanese Journal of Pediatrics , 14 (2), 9–16. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4949805/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Groups and Teams Impact on Healthcare Organizations.


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