4 Sep 2022


Gun Laws in the United States: Everything You Need to Know

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Academic level: College

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Words: 1435

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A general look at the laws concerning guns remains both confusing and extremely unclear too. The Federal and State laws have created a vast grey area from the placement of a loaded gun in one’s car all the way to a similar scenario but on private property. In this regard, people that own businesses also own or rent property that demand parking space for their current or future employees. The following paper examines some ethical observations in relation to gun ownership by answering crucial questions that relate to the analysis. 

Having a legal or moral right to own a gun, park with a gun regardless of the demands of the owner 

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I am of the opinion that it is morally right to own a gun. However, one must have a solid reason for owning even though the reason remains a personal property. A parking lot on private property insists that an owner by the right of law is obliged not to allow trespassing of a person. All Americans have the right to own gun although many have continued to raise qualms over this right debating on what is allowable by the right. Indeed, Americans have the right to legally own a gun but hardly does that mean that the morals of a person fall in line with what the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the US dictated. The Second Amendment was made to protect the right of gun ownership. 

A carried and concealed permit gives gun owners the permission to bring their weapons in their vehicles (Shaw, 2013). However, an owner needs to abide by the instructions issued on private property and if these instructions insist that the owner should not have a gun in their cars then they should not have the guns in their vehicles. It is important that a notice be issued in a manner that is legally viewable to avoid debates over the rules of the owner. A post that insists guns are not allowed relates to the no trespassing premise. In the above case, one must realize that abiding by the law refers to abiding by the post when visiting or parking in a private lot. The gun owner must follow the rules of the parking lot regardless of what they feel as morally right. 

The reports or news of persons being shot are rampant in the airwaves. The incidences of employees causing harm or taking lives of co-workers or other individuals have been on the rise. The same has been witnessed with students that have injured or killed their classmates, school officials and even teachers. Both students and employees or staff members rather have the moral obligation to notify figures of the authority in regards to the presence of a gun on the premises. The employer or school official then take up the responsibility to protect their people whether employees or students from any possible harm, Gun owners need be mindful of others for the safety of all and must be very alert of the repercussions of owning guns on various premises. It does not necessarily have to be the owner that uses the gun because all it takes is knowledge of presence of a gun in the environment and any person could use it to cause harm. A frustrated individual would most probably use the gun to further their aggression in a bid to take out their frustration. 

Moral or Legal Right of Employees to Park Cars carrying guns 

According to Shaw (2013), businesses together with other organizations have the duty to ensure the safety of their workplaces for their employees and campuses free f weapons. Most employers and schools bestow Codes of Conduct that all employees and students must follow on an annual basis. Employees and students must follow the code of conduct to the latter and if the codes insist that weapons must not be carried to the premises, then the two must not bring them to the same. A person that is found having a gun and thus is in full violation of the code of conduct must face the full punishment of the stated code of conduct act. 

Employers have the justification of being concerned about cars that park on their premises and those that contain guns because employers are subject to lawsuits in the event of the gun being used to cause harm while they were knowledgeable of its presence. The harmed person or any other victim can file the lawsuit. Moreover, the entire business can be adversely influenced by the presence of guns on the employer’s property. The business owners or employers rather are thus bound to experience higher insurance fees, wages for hiring security and other crucial costs depending on the knowledge of the weapon on the premises. The business could further face the additional expenses despite the legality of the owner that allows them to have the gun on the premises. 

Right of Involvement of Legislatures 

Both federal and state laws protect the right of gun ownership. The laws of the United States speak for themselves regardless the rules that private companies make (Shaw, 2013). An employer, employee or student that feels the imminent threat prompting them to carry weapons to their respective premises must report of these threats to the relevant authorities. The employer and schools must have a policy to allow for proper procedures to follow in the event that reports are made suggesting a possible threat of violence. 

Reasonableness of Allowing employees to bring guns to premises by employers 

In the event that an employer or school would allow students or employees to bring guns to the premises, they do so with the full understanding that there will be concerns on safety from the employees and other officials in the school as well as students that do not own guns. It is hardly inappropriate to provide a separate parking lot for persons that have guns in their possession. However, the separate parking is a decision that is solely left to the employer or discretion of the school official. 

An employer and school official must be ready to discuss and remediate immediately in the event that either an employee or student raises issues over the concern of a gun being present. Moreover, the employer and school officials should make the decision to allow guns to the respective premises part of the code of conduct and communicate it to all involved parties. Furthermore, the policy of allowing guns on the premises should be discusses at the time of admittance of a person to the school or place of work (Shaw, 2013). Doing so allows the individuals the chance to make informed decisions in regards to taking the job on its offer or attend the school. 

It is well to appreciate that the above depends greatly on the establishment. It is impossible to have a family environment with guns all over the place. Usually the workers, customers and students know what kind of establishments they must have and should allow. I opine that even though it highly depends on the setting of a place and all that it entails but it is well to be concerned with the people in the environment. 

Students and employees further hold the right to challenge or petition the decision to allow guns on whatever premises if they do not agree with that decision. It is also the right to the employer or school official to listen to the raised claim and explain themselves to the persons raising the concerns in a bid to avoid any problems going forward. The officials and employers must not force the idea down the throats of people but rather communicate in a proper manner in a bid to avoid confrontation hence elaborate properly why they feel it is right and for the best to allow guns on the premises. 


Every person is obliged to individual rights and responsibilities as stated in the constitution of the United States. I do not agree with people owning guns bringing them to schools or places of work. However, I do well to see the two sides of the argument. I am a gun owner with a concealed permit but would never take the gun to my place of work, leave it in the car or carry it with me. I would never put my colleagues in fright making them feel uncomfortable or in a dangerous environment. People have different reasons for doing and believing the things they do. 

As for me, I was raised and taught differently with the virtue of respect to others being firmly instilled in me. I would thus not want to make people around me nervous and fearful of what would happen next. I have very close friends that would easily notice a gun with me and that would terrify them to the ground. Americans have the right to legally own a gun but hardly does that mean that the morals of a person fall in line with what the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the US dictated. The Second Amendment was made to protect the right of gun ownership. 


Shaw, W. H. (2013). Business Ethics: A Textbook with Cases, 8e, 8th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://strayer.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781285415178/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Gun Laws in the United States: Everything You Need to Know.


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