18 Jul 2022


Health, Fitness and Nutrition

Format: APA

Academic level: College

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Words: 692

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Health is the state of complete mental, physical and psychological well-being of an individual (WHO 2010). Although it is considered by many to mean being free from diseases, health is a multidimensional concept that must incorporate one’s mental, physical and social condition. Nutrition, exercise, and heredity form the basis of one’s health. According to Bhutta, et al. (2013), nutrition, exercise and heredity are the three components of fitness that must be emphasized while dealing with health issues. These three elements are essential in determining one’s health. 

Nutrition is the process of digestion and absorption of the foods to be used by the body for growth and cells replacement. It is determined by the combination of the seven vital nutrients that form part of the nutritious food. A well nutritious food must contain all the seven nutrients which include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamin, minerals, water, and fiber. In performing daily human activities, these nutrients are required by the body on a regular basis. Also, the body requires energy to be able to function correctly. These combined firm the essentials for living a healthy and active life. According to WHO, an average man needs to consume 1800 calories in a day, as compared to an average woman who is required to consume 1940 calories a day. Scientists argue that a diet should contain 55% to 65% of the carbohydrates. This percentage of the carbohydrates is necessary for the supply of energy in our bodies. 

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Proteins primary function in the body is to aid in the formation of the body structures such as hormones, membranes, and tissues. According to nutritionists, an estimate of 46 grams of proteins is required by the body on a daily basis to facilitate the standard body functions. Although taking too many fats is not recommended by nutritionists, a considerable amount is vital in providing energy to the body especially when at rest. The recommended rate of the fats consumption is at 30%. Efficient chemical reaction in the body cells is the role attributed to vitamins in the body. The main vitamins in our foods include vitamins A, B12, A and D. vitamin A is mainly found in greens, bell papers and the tropical fruits that we eat in our daily lives. Vitamins B12 and D are mostly found in eggs, fish, and liver which I don’t take so frequently. Minerals are essential in regulating the functions of the body and growth. The main minerals that our bodies needed include Calcium, potassium, and sodium. Sodium is found in salts thus making it rarely deficient because salt is consumed by a more significant percentage of the population. Water is required by the body for metabolic activities and to facilitate other body reactions. The human body requires 6 to 8 glasses of water daily which I take. 

Exercise is defined as any bodily activity that can enhance physical fitness and the overall body health. Understanding our fitness level is very important in determining the kind of an exercise that best suits us. Physical exercise has six elements that form the basis of a well-coordinated exercise. These components include aerobic capacity, body structure, body composition, balance, muscular flexibility, and strength. Aerobic capacity is one’s system ability to transport oxygen to the working muscles that require energy. The body structure is the overall looking of an individual regarding the arms, legs, and trunk. The third element of exercise is the body composition. It is defined as the ratio of the body fat to body mass. Balance make up is the fourth element of exercise. The balance makes up depends on the age as young people are more stable than the old. Muscular flexibility is necessary to allow full motion during exercise. Failure to use muscles and test them may lead to shortened inflexible muscles. In addition to being flexible, muscles need to be strong enough to exert external force and control the movement. Physical exercise is very essential in in maintaining a healthy body through flexibility of the muscles and burning of the excess fats 

Hereditary is defined as the passing of certain characteristics genetically from one person to another. Parties play equal roles in creating hereditary from one generation to another. XXXXXXXX, XXXX, and XXXX XXXXXXXXXX all form the negative characteristics linked to the maternal side of the heredity. Poor XXXXX is health is very common in my family with my sister suffering. Despite the importance of knowing our likelihood of getting a disease, hereditary can be maintained by proper exercise and fitness. In summary, nutrition, exercise, and heredity are the three main elements that must be maintained to keep the body healthy and fit. 


Bhutta, Z. A., Das, J. K., Rizvi, A., Gaffey, M. F., Walker, N., Horton, S., ... & Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group. (2013). Evidence-based interventions for improvement of maternal and child nutrition: what can be done and at what cost?.  The lancet 382 (9890), 452-477. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Health, Fitness and Nutrition.


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