8 Dec 2022


Hospital Net Benefits: How to Subtract Hospital Costs from Your Overall Benefits

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 462

Pages: 2

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Step 1; Compute the hospital net benefits with subtracting hospital cost and revenue 

Step 2; Compute the ratio-Medicare discharge and ratio-Medicaid-discharge 

Step 3; Use bed-size categories for this regression 

Home characteristics  Mean 


Hospital bed  3030  376.7  570.4 
Bed Category      
Bed total <=49  182 1419  
50<=Bed total<=150  495 541  
151<=Bed total<=250  449 242  
251<=Bed total<=350  697 742  
351<=Bed total<=450  449    
Bed total>=500  315    
System membership       
Hospital Ownership       
Public  343    
For profit  541    
Non-for profit  1419    
Other  727    
Total hospital cost  215803658 299320559  
Total hospital revenues  229346553 1.551246  
Hospital net benefit  13542895 39252022  
Medicare discharge ratio  44.01524 15.27332 -5428382
Medicaid discharge ratio  44.0152 1169139 585630

Module 1; Run a linear model and predict the difference between hospital beds and hospital ownership on hospital net-benefit? Discuss your finding, do you think having higher beds has a positive impact on the hospital net benefits? What about the ownership? 

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In the hospital bed size from group 1-3, there was no significant effect. Although, the higher number in hospital beds is expected to yield a higher net benefit. By having more hospital beds, there is a positive impact on the benefits (Tsanakas & Millossovich, 2015). However, ownership has no significance on the hospital net profit 

Model 2; now estimate the impact of being a member of a system on hospital net benefit? Discuss your findings, is it significant? 

5270455, by using P>or =0.05 u reject the null hypothesis. We fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that it is significant (yes). By being a member, it yields a positive effect on the net profit of the hospital ("Factor Analysis and Latent Variables Models," 2011). 

Now, including the ratio of ratio-Medicare-discharge and ratio-Medicaid-discharge in your mode? How do you evaluate the impact of having higher Medicaid patients on hospital revenues? 

By having higher Medicaid patients and Medicare patients are able to increase the revenue of the hospital. In fact, bigger hospital with larger facilities and capacities especially more beds will admit more patients with Medicaid and Medicare. 

Based on your finding please recommend 3 policies to improve hospital performance, please make sure to use the final model for your recommendation 

The hospitals should make sure that they have at least 250 beds to increase or improve their net benefit 

Hospitals executive or managers should make sure they become members in order to have a significant impact on the net benefit 

Lastly, Medicare and Medicaid patients should at all time encouraged to improve hospital’ net benefits. 

Discuss your findings 

Even if the hospital has negative benefits it does mean that the hospital does not generate any revenue. Thus, managers becoming members yields a positive effect on the net profit of the hospital. 

  Model 1  Model 2  Model 3 
Hospital Characteristics  Coeff.  St. Err  Coeff.  St. Err  Coeff.  St. Err 
Hospital beds  14,959***  1221  13729  1266  156119  9950 
For Profit  -3075968  1935886  -2815003  1933547  -372933  14660162 
Non-for profit  -3675084  2305366  -3749384  2301020  -3567530  17488365 
Other  -2451323  1747404  -2204763  1745411  -15180149  13339595 
System Membership      5270455  1479757  20633085  11241018 
Socio-Economic Characteristics             
Medicare discharge ratio          -5428382  363515 
Medicaid discharge ratio          1169139  585630 
.0486    0.5259    0.1908   
R-Squared  3029    3029    3014   

From this result , 

5270455, by using P>or =0.05 u reject the null hypothesis. We fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that it is significant (yes). By being a member, it yields a positive effect on the net profit of the hospital ("Factor Analysis and Latent Variables Models," 2011). 


Factor Analysis and Latent Variables Models. (2011). Cross Section and Experimental Data Analysis Using Eviews , 439-465. 

Tsanakas, A., & Millossovich, P. (2015). Sensitivity Analysis Using Risk Measures. Risk Analysis , 36 (1), 30-48. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Hospital Net Benefits: How to Subtract Hospital Costs from Your Overall Benefits.


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