21 Sep 2022


How enzymes work to produce biofuel by focusing on cellobiase

Format: Other

Academic level: College

Paper type: Critical Thinking

Words: 426

Pages: 1

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The process of making biofuels from plant cellulose is facilitated by enzymes that act as catalysts by speeding up a chemical reaction, transforming substrates into products. The biofuel industry uses special enzymes to convert the cellulose in plant cell walls to sugars such as glucose, which can then be converted to ethanol and other fuels by microbial fermentation. This experiment hypothesizes that enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction which allows it to take place more easily. Without the enzymes, most reactions would take more time to happen which reduces the degradation rate of substances.

This experiment looks at how enzymes work to produce biofuel by focusing on cellobiase. An artificial substrate p-Nitrophenyl glycopyranoside is used to make this reaction easier to follow, as the substrate can be catalyzed by the enzyme, similar to the natural substrate cellobiose. This artificial substrate mimics the cellobiose enzyme, which transforms cellobiose into glucose. Data from the work had shown that the presence of more enzymes increases the reaction rate

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Mushrooms can be used to create biofuel as a source of clean renewable energy due to the presence of enzymes called cellulases. However, not all mushrooms produce the same amount of cellulases, with some having larger quantities than others. This experiment assessed which mushroom cellulases to use for biofuel production and the optimal conditions for using those enzymes in the production process. The enzyme activity is in this experiment is measured by monitoring the absorption rate of the violet light to make the solution yellow for each mushroom and determine the reaction rate.

However, these enzymes need precise conditions to interact with a substrate, as they can be sensitive to their environment. Enzyme activity is usually affected by several environmental factors such as a change in salinity and the pH, temperature differences as well as the relative concentration of molecules involved. As such, this experiment tests the effects of various conditions such as pH, enzyme concentration, and temperature and substrate concentration. This is an important part of research to help understand how the whole aspect of making biofuels by understanding the correct enzyme to use in quality and quantity.

In conclusion, this proposal focuses on measuring the rates of enzymatic reaction from a natural extract to quantify the amount of enzyme in the extract. The experiment examines the ability of enzymes to increase the conversation rate of a clear substrate (p-nitrophenyl glucopyranoside) in the presence of cellobiase as the enzyme. This enzyme increases the degradation rate of a sugar compound to glucose and p-nitrophenol as a yellow substance. Therefore, the enzyme activity is measured by monitoring the change in the color intensity of the solution. The natural extract used in this exercise is the fungi in mushrooms, with different mushrooms used to assess the conversation rate with different enzyme quantity.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How enzymes work to produce biofuel by focusing on cellobiase.


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