5 May 2022


How People Utilize Their Vacation Time to Leave Their Everyday Roles When They Enter Into a Different Social Context

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 314

Pages: 1

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After reviewing the literature, it shows that Chinese tourists travel or go on vacation for the purpose of shopping and having fun. Since vacation is the act of getting away from the normal norms, responsibilities and way of life, Chinese tourists go to other countries and hence try to fit in with the culture of the destined country for the shortest time possible. What these tourists engage in during the vacation depends on individual personality and organizational culture. Some people are comfortable in doing some activities like clubbing during their free time while others are comfortable with just staying in the house and sleeping. The two choices therefore depend on individual personalities (Gervois, 2017). The second factor is organizational culture. Some companies or organizations might have guidelines on how their workers should carry out themselves during vacations hence the tourists will tend to abide by that.

The major factor that determines what tourists engage in is the culture of the destined country. They will try to follow the norms of the country so that they can fit in well. The rate at which they fit in, the more enjoyable the vacation would be. The way an individual will utilize his or her vacation time therefore determines how they get away from the daily roles and responsibilities (Kuhn, 2015). The research will provide more insight into what vacationers do to get away from the daily roles. Furthermore, the research will basically focus on Chinese tourists. What they do to fit in with the culture of their destined countries and get full satisfaction from the vacation they have taken. On the other hand, the research will be an eye opener to future tourists or vacationers on what they are to do to utilize their time while on vacation and get the most out of it.

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Gervois, P. (2017). Chinese Tourists in America. Retrieved March 28, 2017 from https://chinesetouristsinamerica.com

Kuhn, A. (2015). For Chinese Tourists Behaving Badly, a Government Blacklist. Retrieved March 28, 2017 from http://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2015/05/08/405183120/beijing-clamps-down-on-chinese-tourists-behaving-badly

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How People Utilize Their Vacation Time to Leave Their Everyday Roles When They Enter Into a Different Social Context.


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