18 Oct 2022


How stress can cause excessive and prolonged cortisol release

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 314

Pages: 1

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Adrenal glands are tasked with the release of the stress hormone cortisol. Although the secretion of cortisol is one of the primary safety mechanisms that help the body to deal with stressful situations, over secretion of the above hormone is detrimental to the body. Cushing syndrome is one of the life-threatening conditions that is caused by over secretion of the above hormone. Besides the above, prolonged stress is harmful to the body in various ways.

Cushing disease, an adrenal disease that is as a result of hypersecretion of cortisol is characterized by the presence of high glucose levels in the blood as well as deposition of lipids on one’s face as well as neck. An individual suffering from the above condition might consequently develop a face which is moon shaped, a hump at the back, excessive weight gain as well as hair loss. The condition is life-threatening and hence, has adverse effects on one’s body (Betts et al., 2013).

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Prolonged stress adversely affects the endocrine system. The effects might manifest themselves in the form of less protein synthesis, the breakdown of muscles, suppression of the immune system among others. The above effects are due to the fact that prolonged stress negatively influences the positive response of the adrenal glands to stress through the production of cortisol and other stress management hormones. Due to the above, one can develop systemic illnesses that affect the brain, the respiratory system, muscular, reproductive system among others. Besides, related conditions that develop due to prolonged stress such as anxiety, irritability, and depression negatively affect the body to a large extent (Chrousos, 2009).

Joab is one is one of the characters in the Bible whose life was disrupted by the devil. He lost not only his wealth but also his children. The abrupt change of his lifestyle became a common stressor to a point where he started to question God. The suffering from the sores that covered his body separated him from his family members and regular life routine was disrupted to a large extent.


Betts, J. G., Desaix, P., Johnson, J. E., Korol, O., Kruse, D., Poe, B., ... & Young, K. A. (2013). OpenStax College, et al. Anatomy and Physiology . ISBN 1-938168-13-5: 731–772.

Chrousos, G. P. (2009). Stress and disorders of the stress system. Nature reviews endocrinology , 5 (7), 374.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How stress can cause excessive and prolonged cortisol release.


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