7 Aug 2022


How to Answer Oral Defense Questions

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What are the most effective steps that U.S. government must take in order to gain control over this childhood obesity epidemic? 

Childhood obesity is a major national concern considering that it has both short and long term effects on the victims as well as those individuals they relate with in their daily activities. As such there is a need that the US government should take drastic steps in order to deal with this crisis which according to has tripled in the last three decades. The most effective steps that the US government can adopt to gain control over childhood obesity according to Lossing (2010), is to come up with policies that emphasize on intake of healthy food options. These healthy food options includes the likes of vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, whole grain meals and good proteins such as beans, lentils, poultry and fish to take the place of fatty foods and snacks.

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How shall we motivate these children to get rid of their obesity? 

Children with obesity tend to have low-self- esteem as compared to those children who are considered to be healthier. This is because they are unable to handle strenuous tasks which other children tacked with unparalleled prowess. As such there is need for teachers, parents, guardians and the community at large to motivate these children to participate in all necessary activities like their ‘normal’ colleagues. This can be done through intrinsic motivation strategies which focus in uplifting their self- esteem by appreciating any bit of effort from such children. This claim has been supported by Saavedra et al (2013) who affirm that obese children with very high levels of intrinsic motivation are more likely to adhere to strict physical fitness programs as compared to those with lower intrinsic motivation.

Why do you think our government is not proactive on changing the menus at the schools on clean eating? 

Clean eating in American schools is a concept that is used to describe a habit of eating less or unprocessed foods or whole foods as compared to eating junky and fatty foods. The government has a critical role in ensuring that schools in the American nation serve the learners with healthy and wholesome foods in order to avoid the complications that come with serving the learners with processed and unhealthy foods. However the government has not done this in spite of the numerous calls by concerned stakeholders. This can be attributed to the rigidity of policies as well as weak structures when it comes to implement such policies or due to vested interests by key policy makers in the government.


Lossing, C.B. (2010). Childhood Obesity: Prevention & Intervention. The Faculty of the Child Development Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Retrieved on 26 August 2017 from: http://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1010&context=psycdsp.

Saavedra, J.M, García-Hermoso, A, Escalante, Y. & Dominguez, A.M. (2013). Self-determined motivation, physical exercise and diet in obese children: A three-year follow-up study International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 14(3):195-201.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Answer Oral Defense Questions .


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