16 Aug 2022


How to Make Your Own Magnet

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Academic level: College

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Words: 319

Pages: 1

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A magnet is an object that is considered capable of having a magnetic related force that has a particular type of energy. It can attract or repel other magnetic materials depending on the poles adjacent to each other. Several factors affect the strength of a magnet. For an electromagnet which is a type of magnet, one of the factors that influence its force is the number of coils made by the wire used to make it. An increase in the number of loops increases the strength of the magnet. Also, the amount of current through the coil affects the force of the magnet. A single battery, for example, would result in less strength in comparison with two cells which when connected in series are likely to increase the current and subsequently the power ("How to Increase the Strength of an Electromagnet", 2018).

To make a stronger magnet, there is need to increase the number of coils used. A more extended wire than a shorter one is hence preferable. Also, increasing the current is essential. More batteries should be used and connected in a manner in which the energy produced by all of them is utilized. Also, due to the fact that the shape of a magnet affects how strong a magnet is, efforts should be made to make curved or magnets with a horseshoe shape other than straight ones ("The Various Shapes of Magnets and Their Uses | Apex Magnets Blog", 2015).

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One of the most significant advantage in strengthening a simple magnet that is made up of tools in a science class is the fact that the materials needed can be easily accessed. A battery and wire, are for example easy to acquire and hence, the number of turns can be increased to a high level, one that ensures that a magnet becomes strong as required. One disadvantage, however, is the fact that it is somehow difficult to obtain a curved field in relation to a straight one.


How to Increase the Strength of an Electromagnet . (2018). Sciencing . Retrieved 18 April 2018, from https://sciencing.com/increase-strength-electromagnet-4461184.html 

The Various Shapes of Magnets and Their Uses | Apex Magnets Blog . (2015). Apexmagnets.com . Retrieved 18 April 2018, from https://www.apexmagnets.com/news-how-tos/the-various-shapes-of-magnets-and-their-uses/

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Make Your Own Magnet.


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