15 Aug 2022


How to Recruit for the Interview Process

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 261

Pages: 1

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Question 1

Getting relevant samples that are fit for a specific research interview requires background checks on the identified locality. This involves finding the population-related information in the sampling within the sampling area, census reports, annual medical reports and other relevant documentations on the population. these records are found on the state repositories, at the municipal level they each state is required to keep all the records regarding the population of the locality (Hulley, 2013) . Other states publish their records on their website, however, for the credibility it is advisable to use the physical records. Another source could be reports published from credible research organizations such as CDC and WHO.

Question 2

For a researcher to make formal announcements regarding research interviews, the researcher needs to formally inform the government authority for which the research may be classified. For instance, if it is medical research, the health care authority in charge of outreach and community involvement has to be informed. This is relevant in the sense that, they may offer relevant assistance when needed, and confirm the credibility of the process.

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Question 3

Choosing an information-rich case is done at sampling level of the research. The specifics of the journal or interview dictate the directions of the sample according to relevance to the study. The most relevant samples present the most information rich (Tongco, 2007) . Another level of determining information reach cases is the structuring of the interview questions; the researcher needs to have established the mist relevant questions that will give them the most out of the interviewee. These questions are structured such that they extract personal opinions from the interviewee because it is the personal opinions and experiences that formulate information-rich results.


Hulley, S. B. (2013). Designing clinical research. NY: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Tongco, M. D. (2007). Purposive sampling as a tool for informant selection. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 5 , 147-158.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Recruit for the Interview Process .


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