29 Jul 2022


How to Recycle | Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Personal Reflection

Words: 597

Pages: 2

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Maintaining the environmental legacy of the current and future generations are paramount to achieve a sustainable world. Recycling is effective in maintaining environmental integrity by reducing waste. Any time that I collect littered papers and recycle them into some useful products, the aim is to promote environmental conservation by ensuring that the floor and any other place where people live are clean and well maintained. On top of that, I try to reduce the high cost that companies frequently have to incur while producing new products by encouraging the act of recycling used materials. When I was growing up, my parents used to instruct me always to ensure that whenever I stay is clean and free from dust and always encouraged that I make sure I pick any papers that I find dropped in the wrong place and put them in the dustbin. That spirit developed in me, and I decided that I would always try my best to ensure that the environment remains clean, just like my parents wanted. I also read various articles on the recycling of used materials and the significant role that it played in ensuring that the environment remained clean. These insights led to making a decision that I would partner with a recycling company that would help in ensuring that all the garbage that I collect is recycled into new products. 

One of the happiest moments of my life was when I let my parents know my decision to encourage the social change of conserving the environment by collecting the litter that was wrongly disposed of and taking it for recycling. They encouraged me to do my best. Many other people applauded me for my idea, and others went to the point of promising me that they would do everything that they could to ensure that my work for social change becomes a success. However, a few people discouraged the idea and claimed that it was a waste of time, whereas others argued that the concept was meant to compete with the local producing companies since I aimed to recycle. 

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I am always enthusiastic while working for social change, as this is what I have always desired to do. Whenever I collect litter from a dirty place, and people thank me for doing it for them, I still get overexcited as this lets me know that I am doing the right thing. On top of that, whenever my parents express their pride in me for my efforts in conserving the environment, I always feel ecstatic. Since I started working on preserving the environment by picking litter and recycling it, several changes have happened both to me and the society at large. For instance, I have started being keen on everything that I do and have also become so time-sensitive. I have made it a routine spending 30 minutes of my time reading a book or doing community work instead of being with friends or playing video games. The society has changed by people becoming more informed on the need to conserve the environment. 

From my own experiences, I have come to realize that there are various ways through which people can impact the world around them quickly, one of which is by getting involved in multiple community events. One of the best ways of getting involved is by doing voluntary work for the society since such things touch the hearts of many people mostly positively. On top of that, offering help and accepting it too is another great way through which people can impact the world around them since such an action leads to personal growth and development. However, there exist factors that can prevent an individual from making an impact, some of which include a lack of confidence in doing whatever one feels is the right thing and discouragement from friends and parents. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). How to Recycle | Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.


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