6 Oct 2022


How to Retain Nurses: 10 Strategies That Work

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 527

Pages: 2

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In the healthcare industry, nurses are one of the essential resources, but they regularly face many challenges that are mostly not considered. This has led to nurses' quitting the profession or shifting employment; hence the shortage of nurses in health care systems. Therefore, the need to retain current nurses in any health organization. Retention of nurses highly requires the attention and focus of the administration. This will facilitate formulating and implementing strategies that will encourage nurse retention. 

“ 1.” Skills development and training is one of the effective strategies in retaining nurses. As an administrator, understanding each registered nurse’s responsibilities and interests is important, especially in determining which certification, skills, and licensure are suitable for them. Therefore, having a meeting with the nursing staff, which will explore what qualifications they currently have, is the best way to go find out the effective certification, skills, and licensures that will serve the organization's goal, which is to retain the nurses. The skills development and training would focus on every department in the healthcare organization. Considering that the nursing staff has different responsibilities, the skills development program should also not lessen their responsibilities. 

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“ 2.” Skills development plays an essential role in enabling the nurses to build up their skills and learning more in the healthcare environment. Most nurses would like to improve their skills, which will make them more open to advancement in their careers. Thus, providing such additional staff skills will discourage nurses from moving to other employments (Colwell, 2019). Similarly, motivation is closely related to job fulfillment, thus retaining the nurses at the health organization. Retention of nurses also reduces the expenses of orienting, recruiting, and hiring new nurses in the healthcare facility (Colwell, 2019). Therefore, there is a positive relationship between providing additional skills, which will motivate the staff hence successfully retaining them. The opposite of that will negatively influence the organization. 

“ 3.” Nurses involve a wide range of skills due to the nature of their work. Skills development and training programs support nurses with knowledge in different aspects of the profession. Skills development involves creating individual abilities, which entails a process whereby nurses identify their skill gaps (Singh, 2015). Also, honing and increasing the skills will enable each nurse to accomplish the plans. However, as an administrator to determine who is suitable for the skills development and training, have to consider several aspects, which include the contribution of each nurse to the organization, what the management wants the staff to achieve, and what the staff would like to achieve (Colwell, 2019). Also, evaluating each nurse’s relevant knowledge and technical skills for the training ahead is necessary. 

“ 4.” After the skills development program, it is necessary to consider the trained nurses' compensations and benefits packages. As an administrator, it is necessary to gather information and reassessing the compensation package in order to meet the goal of retaining the nurses. Firstly, understanding the nurses' needs is essential; this will help gauge the nurses' worth and the appropriate compensation. Secondly, knowing the labor market and how the competitors' salaries and benefits will contribute to estimating the additional compensation (Singh, 2015). Thirdly, understanding the value of the skills also will help assess the required compensation. 

Assessing the program's cost will be determined through the quality of the services provided by the nurses, job performance. Also, the yield experienced or that can be observed and evaluated within a specified period of time (Singh, 2015). Quantifying whether the initiative's expected results were met, the number of the nurse who benefited, and the compensations incurred from the initiative is also necessary to determine the cost of the initiative. 


Colwell, F. (2019). Leadership Strategies to Improve Nurse Retention. Management and Technology . 34-39. https://www.schlolarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertatios 

Singh, I. (2015). Training and Professional Development for the nurses and Healthcare Support Workers. Nursing and Healthcare . 23-28. DOI: 10.23937/2469-5823/1510007 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Retain Nurses: 10 Strategies That Work.


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