6 Dec 2022


How to Understand the Law as a Nurse

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 353

Pages: 1

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It is important to understand the law as a nurse; at any stage of a nurse's career, they will be faced with issues that will involve the law. The law allows the nurse to learn how they are supposed to conduct themselves in a medical facility. The conduct includes how they should treat patients, colleagues, and the general society (Kumar, 2013). The nurse will also understand the penalties they may incur if they break any laws. For example, it is against the law in the state of Florida to provide nursing services when the nurse does not hold an active license or a certificate. 

An individual who wants to become an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) in Florida must have a Florida Registered Nurse (RN) license or a multistate license of another jurisdiction ("Florida Board of Nursing » Nurse Compact FAQs - Licensing, Renewals & Information," 2020). The nurse must also have a master's degree in a clinical nursing field; also, one must have a national advanced practice certificate obtain from a nursing board. 893.03 Florida Statutes stipulates that an ARNP has the duty of prescribing and dispensing controlled substances. The nurses are also required to complete a three-hour course on the safety and effectiveness of prescribing controlled elements. Application for ARNP requires one to fill a form from the Florida nurse website; they must answer questions about criminal history and pay a fee for the application. The renewal of the ARNP license is done at the same time as Florida RN licensure; this can be done online, and an individual will be asked when to provide supporting documents. 

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Just like in Florida, for one to become an Advanced Practice Nurse in the state of California, they must have a registered nurse license ("California APN Certification Requirements | How to become a Nurse Practitioner in CA," 2020). The applications for these licenses can be made online, and a candidate must provide the application charges required. Supporting documents like the passport will be required during the application. Also, the renewal for this type of licensure is done at the same time as RN licenses. 


California APN Certification Requirements | How to become a Nurse Practitioner in CA . Nursinglicensure.org. (2020). Retrieved 28 February 2020, from https://www.nursinglicensure.org/np-state/california-nurse-practitioner.html. 

Florida Board of Nursing » Nurse Compact FAQs - Licensing, Renewals & Information . Floridasnursing.gov. (2020). Retrieved 28 February 2020, from https://floridasnursing.gov/enhanced-nurse-licensure-compact-faqs/. 

Kumar, H. (2013). Legal Awareness and Responsibilities of Nursing Staff in Administration of Patient Care in A Trust Hospital.  JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH , 2814–2817. https://doi.org/10.7860/jcdr/2013/7737.3886 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Understand the Law as a Nurse.


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