26 Dec 2022


ILP and Organized Crime: How to Fight Back

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 301

Pages: 1

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Initially, robbery and other forms of violence were known to occur only through physical means such as kidnapping and demand for ransom. Nowadays, criminals have advanced and are using technological inventions to conduct their devious acts in an intricate and well-organized way. Their organized gangs have allowed them to commit national or transnational crimes (UMUC, n.d). In other words, they are highly centralized enterprises that are run by criminals to engage in an illegal activity that will benefit them at the end. 

Organized crimes are considered as the most modernized form of crimes. If successful causes great harm to many nations in various aspects such as security-wise, economic as well as financial backgrounds. Reducing the chances or preventing their occurrence in the first place is one of the most effective ways of overcoming their effects. The Criminal Justice Intelligence System was established to provide policies and strategies that will aid in destabilizing these criminal groups through arrests and prosecution to the gang members (UMUC, n.d). In other words, the objective of this agency is to reduce, disrupt, as well as prevent illegal activities. 

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Just like the way the perpetrators of organized crimes have been upgrading their tactics every time, ILP has also been working hard and diversifying their strategies towards crime prevention and mitigation. For instance, one way on which they can effectively prevent organized crimes is through collecting information on the financial and economic power of national and transnational criminal groups and breaking them financially as a way of reducing their forces (Bell, & Congram, 2013). By doing so, ILP will have protected the nation from a variety of harms such as exploitation and violence. Additionally, creating an international partnership between different security agencies around the world will also aid in enforcement and prevention of multinational organized crimes. 


Bell, P., & Congram, M. (2013). Intelligence-led policing (ILP) as a strategic planning resource in the fight against transnational organized crime (TOC). International Journal of Business and Commerce, 2 (12), 5-28. 

UMUC. (n.d). Criminal justice intelligence systems and approaches: Module 9 – ILP applications to organized crime [Class handout]. Maryland: University of Maryland University College, CJMS 640. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). ILP and Organized Crime: How to Fight Back.


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