2 Jun 2022


Implementation Strategies on Health Promotion

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The health promotion initiative on the course is based on the vision screen. It under discovery that loss of vision is a major blow to the contemporary society and especially in our community. The main agenda for this initiative is to help the community get the insights through giving the best educational training to the masses, diagnosing to get to know those who are affected and treating them. The main reason for this initiative directed towards saving vision is to help curb Glaucoma a condition that leads to the destruction of the optic nerves of an eye resulting in an impaired vision over time. 

As for the implementation of this project, some factors have to be met for its success. Health promotion aimed at developing healthy public policy, personal resiliency and healthy and protective environments which when held together assists in supporting the community and individuals to take charge of their health. Health promotion builds on education and training that supports personnel's to adopt and execute determinant health approach through the development of new techniques and strategies. Developing programs and educational training promote awareness. Upon delivery of appropriate training on healthcare staffs, they facilitate the support for Health Plan Support Framework. 

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Through education, the staff got to improve on their knowledge attitude towards health care and an individual capacity building. Through this kind of engagement on health care promotion, people also gain personal and professional development and for a community as a whole as stated by Tones and Green (2004). 

In the provision of training and education for the hospital staff, there has to be an officer in charge of the health promotion need of the workers. It serves as the service provider whose employees have health promoting functions. Furthermore, it engages in knowing the education training and developmental needs of those who partner with community voluntary and other statutory agencies. All the above combined requires training requirements to help inform the design of an appropriate training strategy in healthcare. 

Second, to training and education, there has to be a partnership for health. Partners can achieve more than they can imagine while they work together that a person could reach when they work on their own. Partners can combine their perspectives or thoughts, strength and their resources and skills in the search for a solution ( Tones and Green, 2004). In the case of this project – vision screening, the community has to partner with the medics who are in pursuit of solving the common disease, Glaucoma. It has not to be more people on the same course. The partnership reinforces all forms of health promotion initiatives. 

According to Deschesnes and Hill (2003), i t is essential as it promotes practices that are transformative to service and social change. The most important role of partners and the partner organizations is their involvement in the course of solving problems that they were earlier meant to address. For example, the partnership with other health organizations and even the government would address efficiently the need to eradicate the common problem of impaired vision. Trust would work for a standard objective based on; trust, the commitment of partners and even the governing structure all together for a clear common purpose. 

Another strategy is to create a conducive health environment. A supportive environment is an essential feature in achieving health gains. These include our closest surrounding environment where socially interact through the residence, work and play. These are built on the dimensional perspectives of health support economically, socially, physically and politically ( Curran. et al ., 2012). These factors based on the developmental empowerment in healthcare related field, the distribution of resources to adequately address wider determinants of health and socially related inequities. The engagements through a partnership which are adequately resourced are regularly revised regarding effectiveness, structure, and functions. 

Health policies and frameworks have the mandate for an increased political level to stimulate the implementation of efficient structures and mechanism to achieve common health goals. The system that governs the application of these healthcare promotions starts right from the national government down to the organizational level with formal settings then later down to the local level. These policies are under implementation so as to impact the health of those in charge as asserted by Braithwaite and Lythcott (1989). There has to be someone in charge of the implementation which ensures that the plan is compatible with other policy aims to avoid any negative impact or an impact not in line with achieving better healthcare as asserted by Laverack and Labonte (2000). 

Community mobilization is essential, as strategies are laid to help mobilize the entire community so as to support the health projects that are initiated within the community. Through this, there is social inclusive of the community's projects. Through this mobilization, the members of the community placed in a position to organize and mobilize themselves so as to address health issues that affect them as a community. 

After all, there has to be a way to communicate and meets the determinants of health and at the same time help reduce the level of inequalities. When it is done pretty well, it impacts the community by achieving behavior change with the aim of getting along with the policies and goals. Social marketing to helps to raise awareness as well, and it influences the improvement of health and community and individual wellbeing. Social marketing helps realize behavior change in the community as well. 


Braithwaite, R. L., & Lythcott, N. (1989). Community empowerment as a strategy for health promotion for black and other minority populations.    Jama , 261 (2), 282-283. 

Curran, G. M., Bauer, M., Mittman, B., Pyne, J. M., & Stetler, C. (2012). Effectiveness-implementation hybrid designs: combining elements of clinical effectiveness and implementation research to enhance public health impact.    Medical care ,    50 (3), 217. 

Deschesnes, M., Martin, C., & Hill, A. J. (2003). Comprehensive approaches to school health promotion: how to achieve broader implementation?.    Health promotion international ,    18 (4), 387-396. 

Laverack, G., & Labonte, R. (2000). A planning framework for community empowerment goals within health promotion.    Health policy and planning ,    15 (3), 255-262. 

Tones, K., & Green, J. (2004).    Health promotion: planning and strategies . Sage. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Implementation Strategies on Health Promotion.


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