22 Dec 2022


Importance of Understanding the Health Care System at the Local Level When Planning an EBP Implementation

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 293

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Understanding the healthcare system at a local level helps in the successful implementation of EBP in healthcare organizations. This is achieved by facilitating the compatibility of evidence-based practice topics with local-level norms, patient needs, values and the effectiveness of the practice in relation to the healthcare system. In order to implement best practices in an organization, it is important to understand the current healthcare quality, patient outcomes and cost with which the practices are carried out (Cullen & Adams, 2012). 

Implementation of EBP is a substantial factor in delivering quality patient care in nursing and health care systems. Planning an EBP implementation can, therefore, be considered as a process that focuses on the improvement of the quality of health care and nursing practices in healthcare systems. Consequently, understanding the health care system at the local level presents a significant platform for nurses to identify the areas that require high-quality care. In addition, it helps nurses to identify the kind of support that is necessary for the respective change and get information on the factors that need to be improved on (Aarons, et. al, 2009). 

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Through a proper understanding of the healthcare system, a nurse is able to select an EBP topic for implementation and the supportive strategies that will be easily adopted by the respective users (Cullen & Adams, 2012). Moreover, this understanding helps in identifying the risks, uncertainties, and benefits associated with the EBP topic. EBP is an approach that facilitates planning for sustainability which ensures that the induced change is maintained (Aarons, et. al, 2009). Consequently, understanding the health care system helps in adapting and integrating evidence-based practice into the health care system by introducing new therapies and interventions. EBP implementation, therefore, improves care and quality of services offered in these facilities and as such, it is an important element in understanding the system as one identifies the areas that need implementation. 


Aarons, G. A., Wells, R. S., Zagursky, K., Fettes, D. L., & Palinkas, L. A. (2009). Implementing evidence-based practice in community mental health agencies: A multiple stakeholder analysis.  American journal of public health 99 (11), 2087-2095. 

Cullen, L., & Adams, S. L. (2012). Planning for implementation of evidence-based practice.  JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 42 (4), 222-230. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Importance of Understanding the Health Care System at the Local Level When Planning an EBP Implementation.


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