Concerns among International Organization regarding ethnic conflict management and the state of minority communities is a common situation globally. For instance, the League of Nations had such concerns although the decline in interest has been experienced since the end of cold war. It was during this time that ethnic conflicts were seen to flourish and many countries became democratic. International politics was no longer being muted through confrontation. The international organizations adopted the minority rights regime (MRR) 1 . The role of international organizations in conflict management is crucial in bringing unity and peace in conflicts that would otherwise proof disastrous. Examples of how such organizations help in ethnic conflict management are the role of United Nations, European Union, and council of Europe.
The United Nation
The United Nations role in ethnic conflict is manifested in the way they intervene in cases of conflict and the policies that govern the rights and protection of the minority. Unlike the League of Nations, which attempted to adopt the rights of groups, the UN puts focus on the rights of individuals and tries to evade conflicts by encouraging equality and tolerance 2 . The principles of conflict management are laid down in the UN documents such as the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, religious and Linguistic Minorities, which deals with the rights and issues of the minority groups.
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The UN also use bodies responsible for monitoring the compliance of states to international obligations regarding minorities’ protection. Such bodies include the Commission on Human Rights and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination among others. Since the 1990s the working Group dealing with minorities have held a number of meetings to explore how to promote the Declaration and member states implementation. In 2005 for instance, the meeting tackled several thematic issues, which included the connection between the minority communities and self-determination and autonomy. It also discussed how minority rights can be mainstreamed in strategies so as to meet the Millennium Development Goals.
European Union
The European Union uses a general approach from its treaties to solve ethnic conflicts. The EU has not been able to develop a minority policy and a legally-binding instrument regarding the rights of the minority 3 . Provisions that the Union utilize include that in the European Convention for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom, which was enacted in 1950. The provision allows citizens to enjoy the set rights and freedom without any form of discrimination.
Although the content of the external policies that EU uses to handle the rights of minority and issues on protection are not well stipulated, the Union has been able to promote high standards and policy endorsement in the outside world. The Union has endorsed policies that are more than the legal requirement of the member states.Moreover, EU has shown great commitment towards finding and encouraging conflict settlement even beyond Europe. In the recent past, the Union supported the mediation in separation of Sudan and the initiative in Indonesia. Although still underway, the EU has endorsed the plan to power sharing between Greek and Turkish Cypriots.
Council of Europe (CoE)
Founded as a parliamentary and intergovernmental organization, the Council of Europe aims at promoting democracy and human rights protection. The current membership is made up of 46 members and it has progressively developed into a human rights overseer especially to the post-communist nations. It also provides help for constitutional and legal reforms. The committee of ministers does most of the decision making roles for the Council. This council gives advice regarding ethnic conflicts. The main focus of the CoE on issues relating to minority is the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM), which deals with discrimination, culture development, access to media, and freedom of developing educational institutions 4 .
In conclusion, international organizations take a crucial role in bringing peace in ethnic conflicts in various parts of the world. They promote equality and non-discrimination of the minority communities. They ensure that all people irrespective of sex, religion, age, or gender among other aspects enjoy their rights and get freedom as enshrined in the countries’ Constitutions and Amendments.
Carmichael, Cathie. Ethnic Cleansing in the Balkans: Nationalism and the Destruction of Tradition . London: Routledge. 2002.
Phillips, Alan. The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM). In Council of Europe (ed). Mechanisms for the Implementation of Minority Rights (Minority Issues Handbook, 2). Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. 2009.
Wolff, Stefan and Marc Weller. Self-determination and Autonomy : A Conceptual Introduction. In Marc Weller and Stefan Wolff (eds). Autonomy and Self-Determination . London: Routledge. 2005.
1 Phillips, Alan. The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM). In Council of Europe (ed). Mechanisms for the Implementation of Minority Rights (Minority Issues Handbook, 2). Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. 2009. p. 87.
2 Ibid. 98.
3 Wolff, Stefan and Marc Weller. Self-determination and Autonomy : A Conceptual Introduction. In Marc Weller and Stefan Wolff (eds). Autonomy and Self-Determination . London: Routledge. 2005.p. 76
4 Carmichael, Cathie. Ethnic Cleansing in the Balkans: Nationalism and the Destruction of Tradition . London: Routledge. 2002. p. 132.