The communication event under analysis is the “Reservoir Dogs” film, a 1992 film that Quentin Tarantino directed. The film features six criminals unknown to each other assigned with the task of stealing diamonds by Joe Cabot, a crime boss. The names offered to them are false to ensure that they do not get close to each other but rather focus on accomplishing the job. They are entirely sure that they will succeed in the robbery although they tense when the police arrive. Two of the criminals are killed once a shootout emerges together with several civilians and police officers (IMDB, 2019) . The remaining individuals gather at a warehouse where they start suspecting that one of the members is an officer operating undercover.
From the event, the applicable interpersonal theory is the relational communication theory. It revolves around how communication influences interpersonal relationships. Relational communication controls the exchange of the elements of a message, which allow the individuals to understand their relative dominance or position in the interaction process (Baxter & Norwood, 2015) . In the case of “Reservoir Dogs,” various usages of relational communication ideas become apparent. For instance, the communication climates utilized in the film are effective and efficient when it comes to understanding how the characters express their feelings thereby boosting their interactions. For example, they serve as means of portraying verbal aggression, such as when Joe stipulates, “Who the fuck is Toby (IMDB, 2019) ?” This depicts a means of portraying aggression.
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Regarding the relational communication theory, it is useful in understanding the communication event in certain ways. It contributes understanding the unique traits of the characters to provide an avenue for fostering effective communication among the participants (Parker, Wasserman, Kram, & Hall, 2015) . Additionally, it fosters increased comprehension regarding how the different characters relate with each other while participating in the robbery event and the different communication issues that led them to become unsuccessful in the task.
Baxter, L. A., & Norwood, K. M. (2015). Relational dialectics theory. Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication , 1-9.
IMDB. (2019). Reservoir dogs. Retrieved from
Parker, P., Wasserman, I., Kram, K. E., & Hall, D. T. (2015). A relational communication approach to peer coaching. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 52 (1), 231-252.