20 Jun 2022


Introduction to Human Resource Management

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Importance of legislation on HRM practice 

Legislation plays an integral role in human resource management practices in New Zeeland. Legislation has led to equal employment opportunities in New Zealand. According to the New Zealand employment law, public service executives are required to offer equal job opportunities. The primary purpose of the creation of the Act was to eliminate the inequalities concerning ethnic groups, disabled, and women. For instance, through legislation, minority groups such as the Maori people, one of the indigenous communities in New Zealand, can get recognition in terms of their aims and aspirations in the job market ( Stringer et al., 2015) . The law has led to job seekers' direct application of jobs despite using a position-based recruitment system. The legislation is also essential in the regulation of matters concerning individual conditions and terms of employment. The terms of the bill provide that requirements regarding the termination and commencement of one's employment agreement. 

The Act highlights that the employee should be offered employment opportunities for an indefinite period. Similarly, it restricts the employer to employ an individual for a limited period. Consequently, employees are protected from the scrupulous actions from their employers that may cause the termination of their services. The law also helps in the regulation of the minimum wage that the companies should pay their employees. Based on the Minimum Wage Act 2019 , one should not be paid less than $17.70 ( Lo, Macky & Pio, 2015) . Such regulation is vital in human resource practices since it provides a premise for equal minimum pay. The legislation safeguards workers from being paid based on their employers' decisions, which may lead to low wages that cannot sustain their needs. 

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Employment Acts 

The New Zealand state has put in place various Acts that are useful in the protection of either the employee or employers. One of the Acts currently operational is the Employment Relations Amendment Act 2018 ( Williamson, 2017) . The Act was introduced purposely to enhance improvement in fairness in the workplace, the achievement of fair wages and decent working conditions. The Act gives protection rights to workers, especially the vulnerable ones, by strengthening collective bargaining and allowing workers to exercise union rights. An example of the Employment Relations Amendment Act 2018 is the entitlement of employees to meal breaks and set rest based on hours they have worked. Minimum Wage Order 2019 is also another employment Act currently used in New Zealand. The Act outlines that the minimum wage will be increased from $16.50 to 17.70 per hour. Through the regulation, weekly earning based on a 40-hour week schedule will enable a worker to earn $48.00. The Act also stipulates on the minimum amount an adult, a starting out employee, and one under training should earn. For example, the minimum wage an adult should be paid is $18.90 per hour. Domestic Violence Victims' Protection Act of 2018 is also a labor law in New Zealand ( Joly et al., 2017) . The Act provides on the legal protection of workers and influences on support from the workplace. Employees are entitled to 10 days paid leave in case they experience domestic violence. The leave does not have a time limit on request. An example of Domestic Violence Victim’s Protection Act 2018 is leave taken by a person who has been inflicted with domestic violence. 

Relationship between legislation and organizational policies 

Employment legislation and organizational policies in New Zealand have common relationships. Legislation and organizational policies help in the fulfillment of employees' responsibilities and obligations. Through the Employment Relations Amendment Act 2018 , the organization can improve the working condition of workers. As such, legislation and organization policies serve as a consistent and predictable approach that can be used in the management of workplace issues ( Head, 2016) . The law allows for collecting bargaining unions in the workplace. The platforms are vital since its implementation in business provides workers with a platform through which they can address their issues. Nonetheless, the rights and needs of vulnerable workers are also observed in business. Primarily, employees with special needs such as blind can be offered special treatment. Similarly, through meals and set breaks, the organization is expected to adhere to set rules, thus enhancing business harmony. Legislations and organizational policies also help in enhancing the comfort of workers. For instance, through the implementation of the Domestic Violence Victims' Protection Act 2018 , workers' wellbeing in domestic issues is guaranteed. The leave offered and social support from a business entity will decrease the stress associated with domestic challenges ( Bailey et al., 2015) . Nonetheless, legislation and organizational policies ensure the economic welfare of workers is realized regardless of domestic issues. For example, the workers who are faced with domestic violence will still receive their pay and social support from the business entity. Such helps in the development of a sense of appreciation by both law and organization policies. Employee Acts and organization policies also help in the standardization of wages. Organizations implement their wages structure by adhering to wage conditions provided by law. As such, the legislation in place acts as a standard framework for evaluations of payments among staff. Through Minimum Wage Order 2019 , the law covers provisions related to working hours, minimum wage, and holiday's needs of workers. The conditions are applied by business enterprises to ensure workers are paid based on adults, training, and starting out-groups. Through the legislation, the organization policies in the workplace are based on working hours and other pertinent issues related to benefits that employers and employees are legible. Such has led to the harmonious development of business culture; all workers conform to specific labor hours regulation as part of their business policies for payment purposes. Therefore, the legislation and employee Act ensures the remuneration needs of various classes of employees are met accordingly. 

Nodero organizational description 

Nodero is among the medium-size enterprise in New Zealand. The firm offers digital expertise through activities such as creating mobile apps, websites, the building of intranets, and providing mobile analysis. The firm was founded in 2012. The firm has been operational for more than six years. The firm engages in mobile, data, web, and Microsoft development ( Chua & Storey, 2016) . In mobile development, Nodero builds devices that are used by their staff and clients. They build and design native applications for Android and Apple platforms. Similarly, Nodero Performs web development that can help business in automating on their business using web-based systems. The purpose is to help organizations to reduce their cost of operations while improving on their growth. The size of the organization ranges between 20 and 50. The company has 28 employees. The company operates with core values that determine their innovative and genuine desires to improve its employees and business activities. The structure of Nodero is based on functional organization management criteria ( Hunter, 2015) . Mark Easton manages the organization while other team members handle different departments below the executive. The organization after the executive has other teams such as technical director, business analysts, senior software engineer, software engineers, and user experience designer. The organization also has groups of semi-skilled workers whose major role is to clerical duties as well as cleaners. The company offers its workforce duties, payment, and privileges based on their job description. Employees in specialized areas in digital platforms are paid better as compared to those doing clerical duties. Similarly, their benefits in terms of insurance are comprehensive, unlike clerical and cleaning job groups. 

Process of analyzing employee training and development needs 

The organization's growth capacity is determined by the organization's approaches to the training and development of workers. Training and development require analysis by the human resource department since the process helps in the realization of positive company culture ( Asfaw, Argaw & Bayissa, 2015) . Identification of needs for training and development is essential. The following steps are necessary for analyzing training and development needs; 

Step 1: Setting Clear Expectations. For the human resource department to identify clear training and development needs, one needs to set clear expectations concerning the role of the organization's need. The performance of an organization requires measuring techniques. Thus, HR should engage in activities such as reviewing job descriptions and periodic changes in the firm to highlight the deficiencies that may require upgrading through training and development. The analysis should relate to the abilities, knowledge, and skills of workers. The above factors will allow human resources to identify if the workers have desired levels to allow the achievement of a firm's objectives. If they do not, then what should address by answering the question, what are employees missing? The answer will allow for the development of appropriate training and development programs. 

Step 2: Monitoring Performance. Training and development needs can also be analyzed by measuring and monitoring employee performance ( Ferreira, Silva & Mourão, 2015) . The technique should be used as a way of supporting the workers because it serves as a valuable tool that can be used in identifying opportunities that require development. HR should set clear goals for all the staff and respond to their performance on an individual basis. The process will facilitate an understanding of various areas that individual workers require to be training. 

Step 3: Feedback from Workers. It is also essential for HR to gather information from individual staff concerning their training needs in identifying training and development needs. HR uses focused employee evaluation methods in encouraging the employees to provide honest feedback. The evaluation will help create helpful dialogue relating to career development needs and specific training requirements. 

Step 4: Analysis of Business Strategies and Goals. HR should also analyze the workers' tasks concerning the projected business goals and strategies in place. The analysis will enable HR to identify the areas where the staff is not performing well ( Kadiresan et al., 2015) . Such will help the development of training and development needs based on ways of improving staff knowledge about the industry, personal development, and job-related issues. Business goals and strategies entail defining future expectations of an entity. HR will focus on the vision, goals, and mission of the company in the training and development. 

Step 5: Mentoring and Coaching System . HR can analyze workers' training and development needs by aligning them with a mentor who can help develop skills. The process will enable HR to identify the additional needs that staff should be acquainted with through training and development techniques. The main focus of the mentoring and coaching process is employee performance. The program will be based on how they delivered their recent activities. Such will provide ways of focusing on areas that need improvement. The mentors will utilize specific agenda on job performance by incorporating on goals, opportunities, and decisions that workers are expected to utilize for better job delivery. 

Training Needs for The Employees for the Year 2020 

Training period  Training Needs  Recommended training and activities  Check- Focus 
1 st quarter 

Training on areas requiring improvement 

Business culture: workers will be offered on ways of building a positive culture 

Motivation: Employees will be offered training about the importance of motivation. 

Organization values: The workers will be trained about how to practice organizational core values. 

Organization goals and objectives: Employees will be trained on how to expedite the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and abilities needed for effective job delivery. 

Employees will attend training programs to improve on areas recommended as having deficiencies following HR analysis and coaching exercise. 

Motivation training will entail demonstration of rewards based on various theories of motivation. 

Organizational values impacts, such as ways of developing employee engagement, ownership, and accountability, will be covered. 

Organizational goals will involve setting the strategic development goals of workers. 

The employee and management will discuss critical coaching and training issues affecting the job delivery and review ways that can be incorporated for improvement purposes. 

Follow up routine will be created. 

2 nd quarter 

Challenging tasks on improvement areas 

Presenting business reports within a particular time frame 

Teamwork: employees will learn about how to manage a team. 

In the areas employees had been trained in, HR will offer challenging tasks. The program will be based on a close monitor from the management. 

The employees will be offered the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the assignment to their colleagues. 

The management discusses the feedback with the staff by offering them ways of tackling challenging business issues in the future. 

The manager offers an assessment of the training progress from the onset up to that period and provides recommendations for further development programs 

3 rd quarter 

Career development building training 

Delegation of duties: employees will learn on ways and importance of allocation of duties 

Management of teams: staff will be taught on the importance of controlling a team. 

The employee will be offered tips on how to delegate duties and manage teams ( Mozael, 2015) . The employees will be offered the opportunity to direct responsibilities to interns in the business.  The employee and management discuss the results of the delegation work. Such will form the basis for their future activities as well as link with the previous job 

4 th quarter 

Roadmap for the coming year: Providing on how staff can resolve for the coming year through reflecting of their strengths and weaknesses in job delivery 

The reviewing of the training activities done throughout the year is done. The employees are requested to offer their perception concerning the entire process. 

Employees and management discussion on strengths and weaknesses and ways that can be used to deal with shortcomings one faced throughout the year. 

Human resources and management will provide feedback concerning the training and goals for the upcoming year. 

Emphasis will be provided on ways of dealing with shortcomings during the year. 


Asfaw, A. M., Argaw, M. D., & Bayissa, L. (2015). The impact of training and development on employee performance and effectiveness: A case study of district five administration office, Bole sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies 03 (04), 188-202.  https://doi.org/10.4236/jhrss.2015.34025 

Bailey, J., Price, R., Pyman, A., & Parker, J. (2015). Union power in retail: contrasting cases in Australia and New Zealand.  New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations 40 (1), 1. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/75923/2/75923.pdf 

Chua, C. E., & Storey, V. C. (2016). Bottom-up enterprise information systems.  Communications of the ACM 60 (1), 66-72.  https://doi.org/10.1145/2950044 

Ferreira, R. R., da Silva Abbad, G., & Mourão, L. (2015). Training needs analysis at work.  The Wiley Blackwell handbook of the psychology of training, development, and performance improvement , 32-49. http://perpus.univpancasila.ac.id/uplib/repository/EBUPT190502.pdf#page=51 

Head, B. W. (2016). Toward more “evidence‐informed” policy making?.  Public Administration Review 76 (3), 472-484. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/puar.12475%4010.1111/%28ISSN%291540-6210.lessons-in-public-administration 

Hunter, S. D. (2015). Combining theoretical perspectives on the organizational structure-performance relationship.  Journal of Organization Design 4 (2), 24.  https://doi.org/10.7146/jod.16781 

Joly, Y., Feze, I. N., Song, L., & Knoppers, B. M. (2017). Comparative approaches to genetic discrimination: Chasing shadows?  Trends in Genetics 33 (5), 299-302.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tig.2017.02.002 

Kadiresan, V., Selamat, M. H., Selladurai, S., Ramendran SPR, C., & Mohamed, R. K. (2015). Performance appraisal and training and development of human resource management practices (HRM) on organizational commitment and turnover intention.  Asian Social Science 11 (24), 162.  https://doi.org/10.5539/ass.v11n24p162 

Lo, K., Macky, K., & Pio, E. (2015). The HR competency requirements for strategic and functional HR practitioners.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management 26 (18), 2308-2328.  https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2015.1021827 

Mozael, B. M. (2015). Impact of training and development programs on employee performance.  International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 5 (11), 37-42. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= 

Stringer, C., Hughes, S., Whittaker, D. H., Haworth, N., & Simmons, G. (2016). Labour standards and regulation in global value chains: The case of the new Zealand fishing industry.  Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 48 (10), 1910-1927.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518x16652397 

Williamson, D. (2017).  In search of consensus: A history of employment relations in the New Zealand hotel sector–1955 to 2000  (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology). https://openrepository.aut.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10292/10412/WilliamsonD.pdf?sequence=3 

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