29 Mar 2022


Is it Ethical to Buy Speeches?

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 268

Pages: 1

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Ethics is a field that deals with issues concerning whether a particular course of action is right or wrong, moral or immoral, just or unjust, fair or unfair, and honest or dishonest. Ethical questions arise on a daily basis and are part and parcel of human lives. For instance, the questions of ethics may come into play when a public speaker purchases his or her speech. This paper seeks to answer the question on whether it is right to buy a speech.

Today, the internet allows public speakers to hire companies online to write their speeches. This is not a new thing because even before the advent of the internet, individuals used to hire ghostwriters to develop and create speeches for them. The only change that has occurred is the ease of access to speech writers across the globe at the touch of a button. Buying of speeches is not unethical because it does not constitute of plagiarism. Simply defined, plagiarism is the act of stealing someone else’s work without his consent or permission. In this consideration, when a public speaker purchases a written speech from a speech writer, the buyer buys all the rights to it, including the right to consider it his or hers.

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In brief, the practice of paying someone else to write a speech is not illegal and has been going on for centuries. It is worth taking note that even presidents of countries pay speech writers to compose the famous speeches that go to the public in their name. On the same note, Chief Executive Officers of large organizations and University Professors hire writers to write their speeches and students do research and write for them respectively. Therefore, is ethical for an individual to purchase a written speech. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Is it Ethical to Buy Speeches?.


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