12 Jun 2022


Justification for Slavery

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 329

Pages: 1

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During the era of slavery, most people that were affected were denied the right of being independent regarding the accessibility of the basic needs to sustain their lives and other interests. Due to such restrictions, many people were forced to accept working under deplorable conditions in their workplace and poor remuneration. Additionally, such groups of people were enticed with different items including food, clothing, and money such that could be influenced and trapped in slavery activities ( Watkins, 2017 ). For example, children were enticed with sweets and other promises such that they could be captured and presented to the masters of slavery. Parents accepted to offer their children to work in masters of slavery farms in exchange for basic items needed in their homes. Many who were affected by slavery were as squatters in ranches and huge portions of land owned by the perpetuators of slavery activities. Masters of slaver ensured that the locals were paralyzed such that they could depend on the limited items provided by the masters. Such groups of people lived in such situations to the extent that they accepted status and moved on with life activities. 

Unlike in the current era where every individual has the right to own and use properties in their possession, locals in the era of slavery was not allowed to own property. It was a strategy to ensure that they work under the masters of slavery for them to operate without resistance. Additionally, the locals who were affected by slavery were denied the right access education, as it was the only option that they would understand their rights ( Watkins, 2017 ). A major difference can be experienced when the current era is compared with the slavery era. Currently, people have a right to access education, and they understand their rights to freedom of expression, owning property, and being innocent until proven guilty. Such rights were not in place during the slavery era, and the people were forced and easily persuaded to accept the acts of slavery, as they had no alternative to escape the slavery activities. 

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Watkins, M. (2017). ‘Slaves among Us’: The Climate and Character of Eighteenth ‐ Century Philosophical Discussions of Slavery. Philosophy Compass , 12 (1). 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Justification for Slavery.


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