29 Jul 2022


Land Desire in Spanish Colonization of New Mexico

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Academic level: High School

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The desire for land served as major force behind the colonization of New Mexico by Spaniards. Land played a major role in ensuring that the Spanish considered New Mexico. They hoped that the land would produce gold and silver for them. However, the land did not yield as expected. Despite the fact that the land was not productive in terms of minerals such as gold and silver as they expected, it was still of significant importance to the Spanish colonizers. Europe was facing major population growth, creating a need for additional land for power occupants, such as Spain. In addition, the Spanish felt that they had a duty to spread Christianity and therefore, New Mexico was still significant to them. The land also featured some rich minerals, which Spain regarded as ideal resources for remaining dominant.

Barrett, E. M. (2015). The Spanish colonial settlement landscapes of New Mexico, 1598-1680. Albuquerque: UNM Press. Retrieved from https://books.google.co.ke/books/about/The_Spanish_Colonial_Settlement_Landscap.html?id=echEIgSVcDYC&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&redir_esc=y 

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The secondary source is about the Spanish settlement patterns in New Mexico from the commencement of colonization in 1598 to 1680, a time when the Pueblo Revolt led to colonists to retreat for a given period. It illustrates the natural environment in line with the Pueblo villages, which the Spanish colonists came across together with the Spanish activities of religious and civil establishments related to labor, land, mining landscapes, and mission. The source is relevant in the way it links how the activities of the Spanish influenced land utilization among other activities. It therefore matches with the thesis of the paper regarding desire for land.

de las Casas, F. B. (n.d.). A brief account of the destruction of the Indies. Retrieved from http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/20321/pg20321.html 

De las Casas was a colonialist who different from most other colonialists from Spain was also a reformer besides being a historian. He at first took part in the Spanish colonial activities but was later on compelled to stand against the atrocities and abuses done by the colonialists from his country against Native Americans. The primary source illustrates the unexampled and horrid massacres, butcheries, and all forms of cruelties, which the Polish Spanish Party directed to those inhabiting West Indies it also offers information on devastations by Fire and Sword to various kingdoms in America for the space for 42 years, starting with the time of discovery. The source is credible in that it revolves around a recount of the incidences that prevailed during the time of the colonization of New Mexico by the Spanish in an effort to acquire land. It answers the question because of how it traces how the origins of land conflicts emanated in the region. 

del Castillo, B. D. (n.d.). The true history of the conquest of New Spain. Retrieved from https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=GUIICymcrDYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+true+history+of+the+conquest+of+New+Spain.&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGl4eAuPrmAhVQe8AKHbtWBsUQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=The%20true%20history%20of%20the%20conquest%20of%20New%20Spain.&f=false 

The primary source revolves around Bernal Díaz del Castillo’s individual recount of his battle-weary as well as cynical voice, stratagems, achievements, and the cruelty that Hernando Cortes together with his men exercised regularly. This was in an effort of overthrowing the Aztec kingdom of Moctezuma to ensure that the Spanish established an empire in the New World. His historical account is important usually considered as an eye witness account although it was written around forty years after the end of Mexico. He was a Spanish soldier who took part in the conquest for Mexico. He recorded the truth of the activities and expeditions of the conquest in their topography and in a way that offers detailed military information. The source is credible in that it traces the history, origin, and methods that the Spaniards employed in the Americas in line with detailing the conflicts that prevailed between the Aztecs and Spanish in Mexico. It helps to answer the question by detailing the various land issues that prevailed at the time.

Dunbar-Ortiz, R. (2007). Roots of resistance: A history of land tenure in New Mexico. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. Retrieved from https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=EZkzJUJg-hwC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Roots+of+resistance:+A+history+of+land+tenure+in+New+Mexico&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFjL7OuPrmAhWXFcAKHQCBBfkQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=Roots%20of%20resistance%3A%20A%20history%20of%20land%20tenure%20in%20New%20Mexico&f=false 

The secondary source offers a history related to land ownership in the northern part of New Mexico from 1680 up to the recent years. It reveals ways in which the indigenous a well as farming communities in Mexico adapted as well as preserved their basis economic and social institutions, irrespective of losing their land’s control to capitalist entrepreneurs and availing their labor for low wages. The source is relevant to the topic based on how it relates to the issue surrounding land in New Mexico, hence answering the question of the paper, which is about the desire for land among Spaniards. The book helps me understand the communal aspect of land ownership and the issue of land use. The book presents a detailed analysis and explanation of how land was seen from a communal perspective and this was impacted by the Spanish colonizers. In addition, the book presents the socioeconomic perspectives which help in understanding the history of New Mexico. Among the important aspects that have helped in this assignment is how land was used by the Pueblo Indians before colonization, the period after conquest and independence of New Mexico, and the growth of capitalism and development o legislation. In addition, the book gives insights into the impact of capitalism growth on Pueblo Indians and the farming communities. This was essential and helpful in answering the question too.

Ebright, M., Hendricks, R., & Hughes, R. W. (2014). Four square leagues: Pueblo Indian land in New Mexico. Albuquerque: UNM Press. Retrieved from https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=Y5bAAwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Four+square+leagues:+Pueblo+Indian+land+in+New+Mexico.+Albuquerque&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi3greSufrmAhVIi1wKHQC8DE4Q6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=Four%20square%20leagues%3A%20Pueblo%20Indian%20land%20in%20New%20Mexico.%20Albuquerque&f=false. 

The secondary details the sophisticated history attributed to Pueblo Indian land in New Mexico. It commences during the late 17 th century and continues up to the present. It traces the emergence of the enigmatic Pueblo League from 1700 to 1821, as the foundation of Pueblo land under the rule of the Spanish. It also analyzes Pueblo lands past 1821 to assess ways that the Pueblos in line with their non-Indian neighbors responded to shift from Spanish to Mexican, and later to U.S. sovereignty. The source is relevant in that it provides a means through which the Spanish interacted with people from New Mexico on matters related to land. It gives a detailed and updated account of the complicated history of Pueblo Indians living in New Mexico towards the end of the 17th century to date. This was helpful in understanding the history of Pueblo Indian in relation to land in Mexico and colonization by Spain. It also helped in understanding how Pueblos reacted after invasion by Spanish colonizers who were interested in their land. The account gives important insights into how the Pueblo Indians protected their land after invasions by colonialists which is important for this assignment. In addition, the account provides a history of issues related to land tenure. The authors give a detailed analysis of the failed and success stories involving reclamation of land under the Spanish colonizers in New Mexico. This was needed in addressing the desire for land in Mexico by the Spanish.

In conclusion, the desire for land by the Spanish served as a major force behind them colonizing New Mexico. The land featured numerous minerals while at the same time had the capacity for accommodating the number of increasing Spanish from Spain. The reviewed sources have elaborated on the issue while illustrating the vital role land played in influencing the desire of the Spaniards to colonize New Mexico.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Land Desire in Spanish Colonization of New Mexico.


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