15 Jun 2022


Leadership in Health Care Settings

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 313

Pages: 1

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In the existing healthcare environment, efficient clinical leadership guarantees a high-quality healthcare system that consistently offers safe and effective care. It is useful, then, for health practitioners to be able to recognize the leadership forms and theories pertinent to the nursing profession ( Sullivan and Garland, 2010) . Being proficient in identifying these forms not only allows health practitioners to advance their abilities to be better leaders. This scenario involves being in charge of the weekend shift, and it involves working with registered nurses, CNA's, and a unit secretary. Also, the working experience of each nurse varies. Two nurses lack confidence and are inquisitive. Therefore, during the day, it may entail directing the members of staff at diverse timelines. The ultimate goal in this scenario is instilling confidence and cohesion amongst the working unit. 

Leadership Style 

Implementing leadership styles is important based on each personnel’s different roles ( Sullivan and Garland, 2010) . In this scenario, there are three CNA's and a secretary working at the facility for several years. Therefore, the key leadership style applicable in this scenario involves Laissez-faire leadership. This form of leadership is implemented based on trust. In this case, because most of the staff are experienced, members of the team make pronouncements on their own. This will enable them to develop a sense of autonomously working without any form of supervision. 

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However, it is risky to always delegate the responsibility of decisions to members of staff. It may, as a result, necessitate the directing them at diverse points. On the other hand, two nurses have recently completed an orientation and are questioning every aspect. As a result, the appropriate leadership style would be an authoritarian leadership style. This is due to the nurses questioning the nature of the inexperienced nurses. This form of leadership is beneficial as the decisions may need to be swiftly made in cases such as when the nurses are constantly asking questions. 

Management involves practice. Leadership is not a responsibility that is accomplished at once and then learned. Health care leaders who experience intricate challenges should not hurry to solve them. Instead, they would contemplate these management concepts. The effect is an improved outcome. 


Sullivan, E. J., & Garland, G. (2010).  Practical leadership and management in nursing . Pearson Education. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Leadership in Health Care Settings.


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