16 Sep 2022


Leadership Security Paper - How to Keep Your Business Safe

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If one wishes to be graced, they must put their ego aside. Any sin stems from pride. It has the audacity to rebel against the caring, wise God who bought you. Pride wreaks havoc on your spiritual life. In this battle, it's critical to know who our adversary is. We ought to understand what pride is and how it manifests itself. We ought to be able to see pride a mile away. Let's take a peek within our adversary's camp. Pride is the ability to be praised ever further. It's an urge to be exalted instead of glorifying God. The proud person believes in his or her skills and does not rely on God's grace. Below is a partial list of metrics to keep an eye on Frequently focusing all of your energy on yourself, finding it difficult to empathize with others' sorrows, expressing self-pity when you are not rewarded, continually worrying about what others think about you, avoiding people who are better at things than you are, and quickly finding faults in others. 


Leadership is defined by its ability to influence others. To be a successful leader, you must persuade others to carry out demands, accept plans, and carry out decisions. In vast organizations, managers' success is determined by their ability to control supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates. Influence in one direction continues to increase power in another. It may seem counterintuitive, but fear is what Paul refers to as "faith in the flesh" in the Bible. 

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But how do fear and trust have anything to do with each other? There are two sides to a coin. On the one hand, fleshly trust is the self-assurance that comes by having the qualities to define worthiness. But the bottom side of the coin is almost as dangerous: the fear that comes with not having them. In both cases, we put our faith in personal characteristics that we believe give life. Paul embodied many unique characteristics that commended him to God and others in his religious and cultural context. Our desire to do what God created us to do: love him and others are hampered by insecurity. How many times have you been in a position where you might have provided help or prayed secretly to God, but your mind is preoccupied with how awkward you look in your jeans that morning or how much brighter the person you're speaking with is? We are not respecting others because we obsess about ourselves; we are not in modesty, counting them as more important and more deserving. 


According to Yukl, the powers, prerogatives, responsibilities, and duties connected with specific roles in an institution or social structure are referred to as authority ( Yukl, 1992 ). The right to make specific forms of decisions for the organization is typically part of a leader's authority. A leader who has direct authority over a target person can make demands compliant with that authority, and the target person has the responsibility to comply ( Yukl, 1992 ). A boss, for example, typically has the legal authority to determine work rules and delegate work to subordinates. 

The idea of authority helps understand how individuals in organizations can affect one another. The ability of one party (the "agent") to influence another party (the "target") is referred to as "power." Still, this effect has been defined and calculated in a variety of ways. The word should refer to the agent's ability to manipulate a particular target individual or a group of people ( Yukl, 1992 ). The concept is often used to describe the ability to exert control on objects or circumstances and attitudes and behavior. In some instances, rather than an entity, the agent is a collective or agency. 

In some instances, rather than an entity, the agent is a collective or agency. When authority is represented in proportional terms rather than absolute terms, it refers to how much more leverage the agent has over the target than the target has over the agent. It's impossible to explain an agent's authority without mentioning the target persons, the impact goals, and the period. An agent will have greater authority over specific individuals than others and will have more control over some topics than others. Furthermore, power is a complex vector that fluctuates with changing conditions. The way authority is exercised and the results of leverage attempts can improve or decrease an agent's power in the future. 


Insecure people tend to become controlling. Insecurity makes one ensure that all of the best ideas come from or are channeled through them so that they can take credit. That way, as their insecurity realizes, people will talk about them when they talk about their business. When their teammates think about them, they'll remember how bright and capable they are. Although that can sound amazing at the moment, over the long term, it's exhausting and vision-thwarting. 

Fear and insecurity are joint partners. Because of their vulnerability, those who are more gifted or more robust than them would be feared ( Yukl, 1992 ). As a result, they will remove themselves from their staff, never invite them to events, hold them off the platform, and otherwise exclude them from their lives, much as they do when they need to have all the latest ideas. This doesn't only extend to staffing. It also applies to volunteers. Their most competent volunteers will finally feel their ambivalence against them and resign. Here's what they ought to understand: an insecure leader's sense of insignificance often repels significant talent. 


Second Corinthians 4 draws together ideas intertwined in Paul's writings—transparency, modesty, vulnerability, leadership, and service—in a single chapter. The ideas are intertwined when Paul relates the tale, and we see him at work in a real-life setting. If our goal in life were to make something exceptional of ourselves, humility and weakness would be overwhelming. The Christian's goal, though, is to serve rather than to be perfect. "For Jesus' sake, we do not declare ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves" (2 Cor. 4:5). Paul, the leading leader of the Christian cause outside the confines of Palestine, calls himself "your slave for Jesus' sake" in this chapter, which has become one of the classic biblical declarations of the principle of "servant leadership" (2 Cor. 4:5). 

Jesus and his disciples represented others as leaders. In every leadership position, this deeply Christian perspective should guide our attitude. This isn't to say that we don't exercise legitimate authority or lead with caution. Instead, it means that we use our role and authority to promote the well-being of others rather than only our own. In reality, Paul's words, "your slaves for the sake of Jesus," are worse than they sound. Leaders are obligated to put the needs of others ahead of their own, just as slaves are. As Jesus points out, a slave works all day in the fields and returns home to serve dinner to the family, and only then is he allowed to eat and to drink. 

According to Yukl, various techniques can be incorporated to influence people positively ( Yukl, 1992 ). One of these techniques is the use of ingratiation. Ingratiation is when you do something to make others feel better for them. Examples include giving compliments, doing unsolicited favors, being deferential and polite, and acting particularly friendly and supportive right before making a request ( Yukl, 1992 ). When ingratiation is viewed as genuine, it strengthens favorable regard and makes a target individual more open to a proposal. This strategy is more likely to leverage attempts with managers or superiors than with supervisors ( Yukl, 1992 ). When the agent has a higher reputation and experience than the target client, praise and compliments are more reliable and substantive. 


Insecurity shows that we need justification in the eyes of others rather than in the eyes of God. We are more concerned with the qualities we believe make us respectable in the eyes of others than with what makes us worthy in the eyes of the Almighty. What pleases the Lord is righteousness. However, we would like to get a prestigious reputation. When our minds yearn for more Facebook likes or a decent job as a boost to our worthiness, we forget about the righteousness of Christ, which is what makes us genuinely worthy. Insecurity demonstrates that we also believe our reasoning is founded on our qualities and successes. Most of us aren't inclined to think of ourselves as deserving because we're from Benjamin's tribe, but we might wish we had a bigger church, more impressive baby, or another degree behind our name. But having faith in such aspects is a solid competitor to finding confidence in Christ. 


Seven signs the insecure leader on the Team is you . (2019, November 26). CareyNieuwhof.com. https://careynieuwhof.com/7-signs-the-insecure-leader-on-the-team-is-you/ 

The sin of insecurity . (2017, June 16). The Gospel Coalition. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-sin-of-insecurity/ 

Theology of Work. (n.d.). 2 Corinthians and work | Bible commentary | Theology of work . Theology of Work | What Does the Bible Say About Faith and Work?. https://www.theologyofwork.org/new-testament/2-corinthians 

Yukl, G., & Van Fleet, D. D. (1992). Theory and research on leadership in organizations. 

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